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Chapter Five



"You're a virgin?" Oh, God! I thought being rescued in my nightclothes and running into the man I've been texting was bad but hearing him's so much worse than bad. "I'm a dick."


"I sent an innocent girl a picture of my cock." He seems shocked that I would be a virgin at eighteen. I guess I can see why. Most everyone around me has lost their cherries and been in and out of relationships since they were fourteen. I am not those people. I never trusted anyone like that and I damn sure didn't want to end up like my mom and dad.

"I...It doesn't change who I am just because you suddenly find out I have," I wave my arm around in my hips' general location, "everything intact. The only thing that has changed is your opinion of me. I understand if you don't want to take me home now..."

"The fuck." My eyebrows shoot up at his comment. "You aren't going anywhere without me being right inside...," I gasp, "beside, right beside of you."

Oh wonderful. He's protective of me. I went from someone he couldn't wait to go home and fuck to someone he couldn't wait to get home and babysit. Well, except for that little slip-up about the inside/beside thing but that doesn't mean he sees me as anything other than someone to repeatedly save. The last thing I want is to be put in the sister zone by someone as hot as Rayne. I don't think my heart can take that much rejection in a day. Not that my apartment catching on fire is an actual rejection but it doesn't feel great either.

Before I can think of a reason to not go with him he's got me in his truck, buckled and safe, heading to his house. His truck fits his personality - big, red, and making me feel small and lost. He pulls up to a stoplight and as we wait for the light to turn green he looks over at me. His hand falls to my bare knee that's been jostling up and down the entire time. The light turns green but he doesn't go. He's still looking at me.

"The light's, um, green." A smile stretches across his face as he finally moves. I don't know why he's grinning. He's bringing a stranger home. Isn't that supposed to be dangerous and stuff? We pull into the driveway of a big white house. The streets are lined with walkways and trees here. It's a far cry from the place I grew up. I sit and stare up at the house until he comes around and opens my door. He helps me down by grabbing my hips and lifting me and I have to fight not to gasp at the sensation it causes.

"You'll want a shower I'm sure. Are you hungry? Did you eat?" Shit, he knows about my habit of forgetting to eat sometimes. He can tell by the lack of an answer. "You didn't. We'll have something to eat too." He opens the door and leads me inside.

It's nice and big inside and not at all what I would expect from a single guy's house.

"I...," He ushers me into a bedroom.

"This is my bedroom. You can sleep in here tonight and I'll take the couch."

"Oh no, I couldn't put you out of your own bed like that." As soon as I start arguing he shushes me.

"You aren't putting me out at all. You need food and a safe place to rest. I have both. Now the shower is in there. I'm sure you want to wash the smell of smoke off but leave the door cracked so I can make sure you're alright and haven't had any reactions to the smoke you inhaled."

Things are moving way too fast for me. I can't keep up. My head is spinning and I don't think it’s got anything to do with the smoke.

"Go. Shower, you'll feel better after I promise." He backs out of the bedroom and pulls the door shut leaving me alone for the first time since he came and saved me.

I look around the room wondering if I made the right decision to come with him or not. I sit on his bed without thinking for just a couple of seconds and then hop up. I don't want his stuff smelling like smoke because I sat on it. His bedroom isn't cluttered at all. It's nice and big with an equally big bed in the middle of it. The fireplace is made of stone and everything is done in nice colors that don't scream sex pad.

The floor is hard under my feet and the room leads into an open bathroom. Lots of stuff is made of glass and makes me hella nervous that I'm going to break something. The shower is an opaque smoky white glass and you can see it from the bed. I turn back to look at the door that’s still shut wondering if he's going to come in before I can step into the shower.

I strip and step in quickly without even testing the temp out. It doesn't take me long to get it where I want it and figure out he’s right - the shower does make me feel better. A noise has me turning and through the frosted glass I can just barely make out Rayne's shadow on the other side. He must hear my gasp because he starts talking to me right away.

"I'm gonna grab your clothes and toss them in the washer. I brought you a towel and an extra toothbrush. Yell if you need anything, alright Bunny."

"Um, okay." He's acting like having a naked girl in his shower isn't odd at all. Or maybe it's just me being in his shower that doesn't really affect him which would mean I have to pull myself together so his presence doesn't affect me either.

He already knows I saved his picture. Hopefully, he won't ever find out how many times I touched myself thinking about him while staring at what he sent me. I wince as I borrow his shampoo, I hope he won't mind that I use it and his body wash. Everything smells like him and he smells good - damned good. So by the time I'm out of the shower I'm more of a hot mess than when I went in only I don't smell like smoke anymore.

I grab the towel and wrap it around me and then it hits me - I don't have anything to wear until my clothes come out of the dryer. I don't wear underwear to bed so I literally have nothing but the towel I'm standing in.

I try calling for him but I don't think he's going to be able to hear me in the bathroom with the bedroom door shut. I creep to the door and open it slightly so that I can look out. The hall is empty and no one answers me when I call for Rayne again. I step out of the room and make my way down the hall to the living room. When I step into the living room a woman turns and looks me up and down.

Oh shit. I know he told me he wasn't dating anyone but clearly this woman is close to him since she's in his house. God, does he just take girls in from all over and she's here because of another fire or something. I pull at the bottom of the towel wishing it covered more at the same time keeping a death grip on the top of the knotted part. If this girl is even thinking about a romantic relationship with Rayne I just fucked it all up. "I'm sorry."

Rayne comes around the corner and takes us both in. His eyes run over the girl before coming back to me to rake over me slower. I blush and start biting my lip to keep from stammering anything else out.

"What do you have to be sorry about?" The woman's face breaks into a big smile and her eyes light up.

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