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Chapter Four



I watch as her sexy as fuck mouth pops open in surprise. She's tiny with big brown eyes and soft as fuck lips. Those lips are made to suck dick. I have to talk myself down from being just like the shithead that tried to feel her up on her date. The last thing I want is for her to be afraid of me or think that I'm just like every other man around her.

"You know her Captain?" the question comes from Bentley. He's younger than me by a good ten years and closer to my Bunny's age but damned if I'm going to let him go anywhere near her.

"Yeah, I know her."

"Wait a minute? Is this her?!" I give him a sharp nod and shoot him go-to-hell eyes hoping he'll keep his fucking mouth shut. Firemen are like old ladies at church when it comes to fucking gossip. "Oh shit, no wonder you aren't talking to Heather anymore."

Bentley runs his eyes over her and I fight off the urge to put an ax through his fucking head.

"Give us a minute, Bentley." I can't tell him any nicer to back the fuck away. He looks up at me and sees my stare and starts backing away. He mumbles something about it being nice to meet her and then turns to run back to the other men in our unit.


She looks so confused and kind of in shock but then again her building just caught on fire.

"Girl I was trying to text when I text you instead." She gives me a little nod. This girl seems so much...shyer than I was expecting out of an eighteen-year-old. "Where's your phone?"

She holds it up showing me it's still in her death grip.

"Wouldn't want you to lose that."

"She's good to go. Her oxygen levels look good and she isn't experiencing any breathing difficulties. But if you do start having trouble breathing or coughing and you can't get your breath, you come to the ER. One of the only reasons I'm releasing you is because I know Dresden will take good care of you and understands what to watch out for." The EMT gives us a nod telling me I can take her now.

"C'mon." I take her hand and help her down off the stretcher but I don't go very far before my eyes are taking in what she has on. Fuck me dead. I pick her up and take her further away to where my truck is parked. This isn't a big town. Most of us started out as volunteers before we went full-time. When a call goes out half of us show up in our normal trucks. I open the door and pull out one of my jackets with my last name stitched on the front and drape it over her.

Her fucking shirt is so thin I can see what color her nipples are and she's in her fucking panties. I pull her in close so I can wipe at a smudge of soot on her cheek. "God, you're beautiful."

Her cheeks blush a sexy pink color at my compliment. Then my smile melts off my face. "No wonder that little shithead was trying to grope you. He didn't touch you did he? Ever?"

She looks shocked and like maybe she can't keep up with my chain-lightening thoughts but she shakes her head for me. Something inside of me calms. It calms - it doesn't go the fuck away. I will be having words with this fucking loser soon.

"Cami!!!" a girl's voice cries out for my Bunny and the next thing I know she's wrapped up in someone else's arms. "I was so worried about you! I couldn't find you when we got outside and started panicking because you were sleeping when it happened." The girl is crying and hugging Cami.

"I'm fine, Katy. I got out. What, um, happened exactly?"

"Fucking Rhonda happened! I told that little bitch not to leave the stove on because one day something is going to fall on top of the eye and light the whole damn place on fire. And what happened? Something fell on the eye and caught the whole apartment on fire."

"You know this for sure? That’s what happened?" If this girl is right I need to make sure a report gets filed about it.

"I was in the living room when it happened and you can see all the way into the kitchen from there. She even tried to put it out but caught the dishtowel on fire when she tried." Her eyebrows are drawn down as she explains what happened to me. I'm definitely going to need to write a report about this and let the proper group of people know what happened.

"Can you..?" I look at Kathy asking her with my eyes if she'll stay with Bunny.


As I'm walking away I hear Kathy telling Cami that she just called her boyfriend and he was on the way over to make sure Kathy was alright. I want to make sure I get things wrapped up before Kathy needs to take off with him so Cami isn't left alone or tries to go with them.

It takes me longer than I would like to make the calls and ask the Sergeant to cover for me while I make sure Bunny is settled and taken care of. It hasn't hit her fully yet and I know when it does it's going to be hard on her. Things like this always take a while to process. I make my way back over to Kathy and Cami but I'm stopped by one of my men right before I reach them. I can tell Bunny's eyes are watching me. It makes me want to strut and flex and show off for her like a fucking teenage boy instead of a grown-ass man.

"Fires out, Captain." I open my mouth to tell him to report in to Sarge but he just keeps going, "We got most of the damage contained to just one apartment but that apartment is toast."

The sound of a whimper draws both of our eyes to where Kathy and Bunny are standing. I walk over to take Bunny in my arms and shoot Darren an eat-shit look.

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