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Chapter Ten



I wake up slowly. It doesn't happen very often since I have trained myself to either be asleep or awake in a matter of seconds. The warmth on top of me helps keep me floating for a while until I realize what that warmth is and then all the blood in my brain rushes to my already hard cock.

Yesterday floods back in with every wiggle of Cami's sweet body. I took the opportunity yesterday to go to my supervisors and ask for some time off. It didn't really come as a surprise since they already knew about Cami's apartment fire. I then pulled some strings and got them to let me in her apartment so I could search for her bunny. I knew she would want it. I wasn't expecting to find her fucking glasses there too.

And then as if letting her go around blind for the better part of a day isn't bad enough, mom pulls me over to the side when I went over to pick her up and told me about her day with my Bunny.

"I like her a lot Rayne." Thank God. It isn't like either of these women are going anywhere in my life. "I think...I think she's not had such a happy childhood."

Mom doesn't want to break her confidence but I have to know now that she's said something. I remember she didn't want to go back home after the fire but I never really ask her why. I just took the opportunity it offered me to get her in my house.

"I asked if she and her mom ever went shopping and she told me she didn't think her mom liked her very much." I can see how mad it makes mom that anyone would mistreat Cami. Mom has officially taken her as her own. "She said she thought her mom blamed her for stealing her youth and making her marry her dad. I told her that couldn't be right and she told me her mom has said as much. Can you believe anyone would say that to that sweet girl?"

No, I could not believe anyone would feel that way about Cami. She's so sweet and innocent. It pissed me off as much as it did my mom. I thought about it all the way home. It was what led me to ask her to have dinner with me. I asked her for last night and today but I’ve wanted to ask her for forever. I just don't think she's ready for that but if she keeps squirming around on top of me that choice is going to be taken out of both of our hands.

"Bunny," I put my hands on her ass to stop her but it doesn't work. Instead, she wiggles closer and moans. I drop kisses on the top of her head and along her jawline until finally I give in and take her mouth. She responds right away kissing me back. I swallow down her moans as she pushes her warm pussy up against me.

"Bunny," This was supposed to be my way of waking her up but it quickly gets out of my control when she gives me her tongue, "you got to wake up. You got to stop."

"Mmm, I don't want to."

Shit! I didn't expect her to say that. Sleepy Cami is not as shy as fully awake Cami it would seem. I wrestle control back long enough to say what I have to say. I use my hands to bracket her face and tilt her eyes up to meet mine. "Cami, if you keep going things are going to change."

"Change?" Her eyebrows furrow trying to figure out what I mean. "How? How will things change?"

I can hear the worry in her voice. I'm not sure if she thinks things are going to change between me and her or if she even knows what I am talking about. I have to help her understand. I move my hands back down to her ass so I'm not tempted to roll her over and fuck her before she's ready.

"If you let me take care of you, let me take care of that little pussy," I use my grip on her ass to pull her close on my cock. With her not wearing anything but my shirt it's really easy for her to ride the length of my dick which is peeking over the edge of my boxers. "If you let make you cum, you belong to me. No going back. No pretending we aren't together or that this isn't real. If you let me make you cum then you're mine."

I give her time. I can tell she's fully awake now. Her eyes are still drenched in desire and I don't let it die. I keep her moving across my shaft, teasing her sweet little opening with every shift, every slide.

"Tell me Cami? Tell me what you need? What you want?"

"I...," she wiggles on top of me, "Rayne...," her voice comes out strained. "I...I need to cum."

"Agree that you’re mine and I'll help you find your release, baby. Just agree that you're mine." Fuck, I'm almost begging her now. My voice sounding just as strained as hers.

"I'm yours Rayne. Just please...,"

I have her rolled on her back before she can finish. It might not be the right thing to do -keeping her pleasure from her until she agrees she belongs to me - but I couldn't stop myself even if I tried. This is who I am.

I spread her legs in one quick jerk, yanking a small yelp out of her. My shoulders spread her thighs even wider as my mouth lands on her sweet flesh. This time she does more than call out. She all but screams my name as I use my tongue to spread her pussy apart. The taste of her has me moaning around the mouthful of sweet woman I have under my tongue.

Fuck, fuck, fuck she tastes good. I bury my face in her and look up to make eye contact with her as I suck her clit into my mouth and bat it back and forth with my tongue. She's grabbing the sheets and pulling them to her as her back arches off the bed. The edges of the sheets pop off the bed and curl towards us, cocooning us. We're tearing the bed up and I'm loving it!

I put my hand on the back of her thigh and dip lower so I can sink my tongue into her sweet virgin hole. Dry humping is different from what I'm doing now. What I'm doing now is taking us to another level which is why it changes so much.

I lick up all the cream she is making for me as I swirl and dip my tongue around her beautiful pink parts. I place my other hand on the back of the other leg and push so that her ass comes up off the bed a little bit and her pussy is tilted up. I lick between her cheeks at the sweet little back hole I'm sure she doesn't realize is going to be mine too. She tries to stiffen around me and push against me to put space between us but I won't allow it. Instead, I take the opportunity to tongue fuck her pussy harder.

One of my hands leaves the back of her leg in order to jostle her clit at the same time I'm spearing my tongue inside of her. It's too much for her and she stiffens up even tighter like she's about to break from the tension coursing through her body. And then she does. She breaks like a dam and all I can do is smile and lick it up.

She calls my name out in a strangled scream as her body throbs around me and her pussy hugs up around my tongue. Fuck, she's so tight I can feel her pussy kissing me back when I tongue fuck her. Her body goes lax but I'm not nearly done with her. By the time I get my fill, she's going to need a nap and a shower.

I push her wanting more. My tongue goes back to her clit so I can suck and lick her there. She turns her head back and forth on the mattress like she might be trying to tell me no but can't find her voice. It wouldn't matter anyway. I know she can give me more and I'm going to take all she can give me.

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