Page 8 of Lakeside Daddy

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Chapter 4


When I open the door no one is there. I look towards Reyn's house to see if I can catch a glimpse of him heading back to his side of the shore, but I don't see anyone. I've not heard from him very much today, so to think it might be him checking up on me is not so far off. Whoever was knocking seemed like they wanted to be noticed but I can't say anyone is out here now. I turn to go back into the house hoping it wasn't a neighbor who needed anything when I realize there's something stuck to the door. At first it makes me want to run inside, lock all the doors, and call someone but then it just makes me mad.

All my anger comes rushing back at him and I can't help but slam the door as I rip the photo from it and stomp over to his house. I have had all I can take of his possessive stalker ass and this time he really scared me, not just sending me running from my own thoughts and feelings but from the sick way he is showing me that he is always watching me. He’s gone too far and I intend to let him know it.

I run over to his house and realize I'm not even wearing shoes. When I look down at myself I admit it may have been stupid to come rushing over in my baggiest shirt, a pair of panties, and nothing else. I was ready for bed and didn't care what I was wearing. It doesn't matter really. I need to tell him his latest tactic has gone too damned far. I try the door to check if it is open. I'm not knocking when he doesn't care about my personal space at all.

When I round the corner I stop dead in my tracks. I thought him looking into my past hurt or that he had someone make a file on me instead of just asking me, but nothing hurts like seeing him sitting knee to knee with a beautiful dark headed woman who clearly looks like she belongs here. Two wine glasses are out on the table half empty and the smile I see on his face the second before he realizes I've barged in is too much. I've never seen him smile like that before.

All this time I thought he was chasing me, I’ll admit I felt wanted and special. A part of me wanted him to catch me. I hadn't been chased by a guy in so long and just like the last guy who chased after me; it was all a lie.

"Tracie, what are you doing here?" he gets up and his smile is gone. He seems gruff; like he's mad about me being in his house. If he wants me so damned bad why doesn't he smile for me like he was smiling for her?

I momentarily forget the picture in my hand as I try to look at the smiling woman from around Reyn's massive form in front of me. She's breathtaking. Tiny and delicate with soft features that hint at something exotic underneath. The clothes she’s wearing are expensive and well made and her makeup is put on just right, not too heavy or too dark. She looks like she could be a model on the runway.

I'm very aware, all of a sudden, that I have a faded college shirt that I stole out of my dad's closet that's almost see-through and nothing on but a pair of boy cut panties that hopefully no one else can see. My hair may or may not have been combed today but you would win if you leaned more towards not combed and I don't have a drop of makeup on. Not even chapstick.

She is peeking at me back and offers me a shy but friendly smile and I hate myself for wanting to like her. I also can't stop offering her a smile back. It isn't her fault the guy who is romancing her was trying to get into my panties not twenty four hours ago.

"What's going on?" the man in question leans down to look me in the eye and touches my arm with his big oversized paw of a hand and the reason I'm here comes back to me.

"You're a sick son of a bitch. I know you don't understand privacy and personal space but you need to stop. You've gone too far this time."

I wave the picture in his face and he takes my hand to keep it still so he can look at the picture I have clutched in my hands. It's only then that I start to question things which should have tripped me up before now.

If Reyn was the one who stuck the photo on my door then how could he have been romancing this woman at the same time? I start to shake and when I look into his eyes I know it wasn't him who left the picture. It also occurs to me that I came running out of the house into the night with someone who was watching me sleep and promising to hurt me. And I didn't lock the door to the other house when I left.

"I need to sit down," the room starts to spin a little. Before I can take a step Reyn has me up in his arms and is moving towards the couch. He puts me right next to the beautiful woman, and in the sternest voice I have ever heard him use, tells us both to stay. Then he's gone.

"Are you ok? Is there anything I can do for you?" even her voice is beautiful. It's soft and warm and makes me want to smile. No wonder Reyn was smiling when I came in.

"I'm alright," I lie to her. My worries are not her concern and I would never want to make someone else uncomfortable. For all I know, Reyn is over chasing me and has moved on to her.

"If someone is bothering you, Reyn will take care of it. He'll handle it for you. I don't think there's anything he can't handle," she sounds like she really loves the guy already.

"I can handle my own problems," another lie. I have no idea what the hell I am going to do about the psycho that taped that picture of me on the door.

"But you don't have to anymore. Now that Reyn's here," I stare at her with an expression of complete contempt before I can catch myself. Like resting bitch face on crack.

I try to think of something neutral to talk about with her. "How long have you known him?"

The laugh she gives me makes me want to break the coffee table. I'm not sure what she thinks is funny about any of this.

"All my life," I stare at her trying to make sense of what she said but she just gives another musical giggle before going on, "he's my brother."

"Brother?" she grins like this isn't the night from hell for me and nods her head.

"He's much older than me. And he doesn't want just anyone knowing about me because of how much money he has and what he does for other companies. He says people will use me to hurt him."

"That's smart," I can't think of anything else to say. I feel like everything I knew before tonight has been turned on its head.

"Yeah. Reyn is a smart guy. I mean for someone so much older," she stage whispers, "He's like fifteen years older than me."

"How old are you?" it seems like a safe way to ask just how old he is without coming out and asking.

"Hmm, probably about your age. How old are you?"

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