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"Keep the men on them until it's time."

He turns and walks away but before I can make it to the back of the house to my room he stops and turns to look at me again, "She is not going to be an easy person, Akio."

I find myself smiling at my grandfather with my eyebrow raised, "I know." I turn and start walking again. Grandfather might have been trying to warn me not to give up or he might have been congratulating me on finding someone as rare and beautiful as Quinn is, doesn't matter which it is because for me her being hard to get is only a plus.

Before my door is closed all the way I have my cock out. I think about her face, those doe eyes that stole glances at me the entire time we sat next to one another, her curvy body that she doesn't even realize makes her a fucking sex magnet. I know she doesn't understand how sexy she is because she acts too...innocent, too unsuspecting. Women who are aware of their beauty act a certain way, they've learned how to use it as a weapon or an accessory, to their advantage.

I pull up one of her videos and watch her dancing around with one of her friends. She's talking about the convention she is going to go to in Japan and how much she has always wanted to visit, how much she loves the culture. I watch as her eyes sparkle and dance on screen. My cock is lying heavy on my lower stomach as she talks about packing. She brings out all of these tiny dresses that she puts to the side. One of them is white lace that I know I have to see her in it.

I listen to her voice as I shuffle my hand up and down the shaft of my cock. She giggles about something and I lose control. Spunk sprays out of the head of my dick so hard, much harder than I ever did when I didn't have an image of her face in my head or the sound of her laughter in my ears. More cum spills out on my hand and belly when I open my eyes and catch the smiling girl laying on a bed talking to her audience about needing to go to sleep but being too excited about leaving. Her hair is fanned out on the pillow she is lying on and she gives just a hint at what she might be wearing. It is what I will see every night once I make her mine.

The thought takes me off to sleep but even in sleep, I dream of her. Hot, dirty dreams that wake me up with my dick in my hand and her name on my lips. When I pull myself out of bed in the morning my dick is raw and I am a little cross that I should have been waking up in the bed of my little cherry blossom instead of waking up alone.

Once I'm at the hotel I can already feel my temper starting to rise. I want Quinn close enough that if I need to I can touch her. When I'm at the women's room I knock but no one answers. My temper shoots up another notch as I knock one more time. Their room isn't big enough that they wouldn't hear the knock so I know if they were in there the door would be answered. I am on the move even before I take my phone out of my pocket to call the guards I have on the women. I'm answered right away. And before I get down to the floor the convention is on I know exactly where she is.

By the time I walk to her table I am furious. Not only did I take the time to watch her for a while before I make my way over to her. She sees me coming and gives a little smile. Today she is in a blouse and skirt that highlights how pale her skin is and her hair is up in an intricate knot. She quickly loses the smile once she realizes I am less than happy.

She talks with her mom as I come around her table like I have every right to. Her mom gives me a smile and then takes Quinn's place at the front of the booth talking to people. "Did I do something wrong?"

The temper I was trying to hold back strains to break free, "You mean besides not telling me where you were going to be at, leaving your room without protection and being completely unaware of your surroundings?"

Her eyes leave mine and I find that just pisses me off more. "I wasn't aware I was a prisoner stuck in my hotel room or that I had to ask permission to go somewhere?"

Defiant little thing that she is makes me twice as hard compared to her being submissive. Because when she does submit to me - and she will - it will be all the sweeter. For the both of us. "I'm with you for a reason. You and your mother are very lovely women. It is not always safe for lovely women."

"Is that a threat?" She still hasn't looked up at me again. That brief smile that was too fleeting is all I am going to get from her today.

"No, it's a statement." We can play cat and mouse games all day long but we both know in the end who is going to win. Knowing that I don't feel the need to overstate my position. If I didn't think she understood I would have no reservations about throwing her over the table, taking my cock out, and showing the room who she belongs to. It wouldn't fucking matter who is standing right in front of us or the fact that her mother is close by or that cameras are turned towards the two of us. Most people have noted my presence at her side. Still..., "Have you even noticed the man standing off to your right?"

She looks over at the man my security has kept an eye on for the past two hours. "He's a fan. I signed a shirt for him earlier."

"He's been starring at you nonstop for the past two hours."

This time her eyes do come up to meet my own. I see the fear in them but I'm not sure if it is directed at the man or at me. Her next words don't clear anything up for me. "Apparently he isn't the only one."

"Take care, Sakura." I turn with a growl I can't help but release as I walk by the man staring at what is mine. If he wants the same thing I want from her he is going to have a very big problem.

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