Page 14 of Dangerous Seduction

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I lead her back inside the bathroom and take great delight in her gasp of surprise when she sees the lit candles and the rose petals floating on the top of the water. "Oh my God! This is so beautiful."

"I'll let you enjoy your bath, my sweet blossom." I turn to leave knowing that if I don't leave now I'll have her before she is ready for me. On the way out of my room, I put in a call to my grandfather who is waiting for the plane to come pick him up. He wants to stay with me for a few days and I have a very good idea of what he is going to try to do. I also call her mother to tell her that Quinn and I arrived at my house safely and that she is going to be well taken care of.

I've put this off enough. I have to go find out if she is doing well. I kept putting it off because I know the moment I step foot into the bedroom my control is going to be tested. I take a deep breath before pushing forward and entering my room. The clothing she's laid out for the day is on the bed and something inside of me becomes so damned happy about seeing it there I can barely hold myself back. This is where I always wanted her from the second I heard her voice and saw her face. And now she is here with me.

I step to the door to call to her, "Are you alright, little blossom? Do you need anything?"

I don't hear anything so I knock but again I hear nothing from the other side of the door. I drop my hand down to the handle and push. It doesn't take much to have the door swinging open and then I see her standing in the middle of the tub. Water clings to her curvy body and runs down in rivulets and has my eyes following the same track. I can't stop myself from walking further into the room.

Her arm comes up to cover her breasts and the other wraps around her hip to try to hide the pretty flesh between her legs. "I...I...didn't...shit." She slowly sinks back down under the water.

"I knocked." She nods her head.

"I know. I heard it. I was, um, I got caught up kind of daydreaming."

I move closer to the edge of the tub. "It's not safe to fall asleep in tubs like these, blossom." She sinks as low as she can and her arms are still banded across her chest pushing the ripe mounds of her tits up high.

"I...I wasn't sleeping, just daydreaming."

"And what were you dreaming about, Sakura?" Her cheeks turn pink and she sinks even lower so that only her face is above the water. Whatever it was, she is embarrassed about it. I walk to the stairs leading down to the tub. "What could you be dreaming about that would make those cheeks turn as pink as cherry blossoms?"

I walk down the steps slowly. The heat from the water reaches me and molds my shirt to my chest. I sit at the edge that doesn't have the gravel around it. Instead, on this side is a little ledge for the person to step down into the tub or for someone to sit on and enjoy the sight of a beautiful woman soaking. From here I can easily look down into the water.

Her body is paler beneath the surface. I kick my shoes off without her realizing that is what I am doing. She goes to the far side of the tub to put space between the two of us. "Akio, I think you shouldn't be in here."

"It's my bathroom, Sakura." The reminder of whose house she is in has her eyes going wider. I decide that I am done playing. I quickly unbutton my shirt and let it drop to the floor and yank my tank off over my head baring my chest to her.

Like my grandfather I am covered in tattoos, not all of them are affiliated with the organization, some are there because I like the way they look and others have deeper meaning. "Akio," she calls my name like a siren with her hair floating on the surface of the water, like tendrils reaching for me. "This isn't a good thing. What are you doing?"

I notice that even as she tells me this isn't good she is raking her eyes over my chest and arms taking in my bare skin just like I took in hers. I lower my hands to my belt but she is standing to try to leave from the other side of the tub. I say fuck it to a thousand-dollar pair of pants and dive in after her. Now that I have her so close to me I don't want to take a step back or try to regain my control.

The only reason she is running is because she is scared of what she doesn't know. I reach her before she can throw her leg up over the side of the tub and pull her back in. "You are going to be very sorry that you didn't give me time to fully undressed before trying to run from me, blossom. Very sorry."

She tries to fight me like before but I hold her still and trap her arms down to her sides. Both of us settle back into the jostling water and wait to find out what the other will do. "I was going to wait but when you looked at me like you did when I came through that door...," I work my belt off and pitch it over the side, "you were daydreaming about me, weren't you, pretty blossom?"

She turns her head so she can look back at me before giving me a whispered answer, "Yes."

I have myself unbuttoned and my remaining clothes pulled off in no time. As soon as Quinn feels the heat from my naked skin she is wiggling again, trying to run away. "No, no, little blossom, you can't tell me you are dreaming about me and expect me to walk away."

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