Page 66 of Relapse

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I have another couple of hours to kill before it’s time to pick Tanner up at school. I’m about to lounge on the couch when my doorbell rings.

Moving to the door, I pull it open and find Nathan standing on the other side. He smiles, his eyes crinkling at the corners and my heart pounds quicker.

“What are you doing here? Aren’t you supposed to be at work?” I pull the door open wider, gesturing for him to come in.

He shakes his head. “Yes, which is where I’m about to head to.” He holds up a bag and I smile when I realize it’s from the seafood place where we went on our date. “I was on my lunch break and in the area, so I just wanted to drop something off to eat to you.”

Warmth feels my chest and I pull my lip between my teeth. I’m not used to all the nice little gestures that the guys give me. No one else I’ve dated has done such little things that mean so much.

I feel my throat close up slightly and look up at him as my fingers start to twitch. “Why don’t you come in?” I try again.

“Because I’ve got to get back to work, and I know if I come in, I won’t leave anytime soon” He smiles. “And my boss would be pissed.”

I smile back at him, taking the bag. “Maybe your boss would get over it if you just took a little extra time.”

“Tempting.” He takes a step forward and presses a slow kiss to my lips. My cheeks heat as he pulls away, his gaze intense as he watches me. Fuck, I need more than just a kiss from this man. He brushes a strand of hair from my face, his fingers leaving tingles. “But I plan on taking my time the next time I get you alone.”

The words are a sensual promise that I know he plans on making good on.
