Page 2 of If I Could

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“You work at Kenny’s Garage and people still go there.”

“Because like you said, it’s the only place in town to get your car fixed. I only got the job because Jesse wants to date me. When his dad gets back, I’m sure I’ll get fired.”

“When’s he coming back?”

“I don’t know. Jesse said his dad might be gone all summer. His brother’s shop isn’t doing well.”

Jesse’s brother opened a body shop in Tulsa, Oklahoma but he didn’t know how to run a business so the place was about to go under. His dad is there trying to save it.

“I wouldn’t worry about it,” she says. “Even if you don’t go out with Jesse, he wouldn’t fire you. If he did, what would he look at all day?” she says with a laugh.

“Great. So I’m getting paid to be eye candy.”

“Whatever works.” She pops her gum and the loud cracking sound makes me cringe.

“How much longer are you going to be chewing that gum?”

“Until I can go a week without a cigarette.”

“You haven’t gone a week yet?”

“Are you kidding? I haven’t even made it a day. I’ve been smoking for ten years. You can’t just give it up overnight.”

Nina’s been smoking since she was 12. Her mom’s a smoker but she said it’s her boyfriend who got her hooked. He was older than her and Nina wanted to look cool so when he offered her one of his cigarettes, she smoked one, which led to another and soon she was addicted.

“You want to go out tonight?” she asks.

“I can’t. I need to study.” I turn down the road that goes to my house. The road is surrounded by wheat fields with a house every mile or two. It kind of freaks me out that I live by myself in such an isolated area but it’s a free place to live and right now, I need free.

“You’re not in school,” Nina points out.

“Yes, but I will be again soon and I need to keep up on what I’ve already learned.”

Up until a month ago, I was a college student. I was supposed to graduate next December, but then my dad decided to skip town with my college fund, along with all the money I’d added to it over the years. Now I’m broke, completely broke, so college is on hold until I save up enough to go back. I was so close, just a few more classes and I would’ve been done.

“Why is it so freakin’ hot out today?” I yank on the window handle. It won’t budge.

“We need to go out tonight. Why don’t we—”

“Shit!” I swerve into the other lane and hit the brakes, my body lurching forward before the seatbelt finally catches me and pulls me back.

“What is it?” Nina asks. “What happened?”

I check my rearview mirror and see a guy walking his motorcycle on the side of the road. His head is down, like he didn’t even realize I almost ran him over.

“Sage, say something,” Nina’s voice is urgent. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah. Just a little freaked out. I didn’t see this guy.”

“What guy?”

“There’s some guy in the road. His motorcycle must’ve broke down. He’s walking it somewhere.”

“Where would he be taking it? There’s nothing out there.”

“I don’t know.”

“Are you home now?”
