Page 143 of If I Could

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My father whips his head toward Hank. “Do something!” he yells, putting on the helpless victim act. “The boy’s trying to kill me! Call for help! Hurry!”

Hank ignores him, his eyes on me. “You can relax, Kyle. It’s gonna be okay.”

“What are you doing here?” I ask Hank, keeping the gun on my father.

“You think I’d let you come here alone?” He walks over to me. “If something happened to you, who would I have a beer with on Fridays?”

“Who the hell is this man?” my father demands.

Ignoring my father, I say to Hank, “You’ve been here this whole time? In New York?”

He shrugs. “It wasn’t so bad. Got to see a show. Take in the sights.”

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

“Didn’t want you to worry. You had enough to worry about.” Hank turns to Cain, who’s behind me. “You all right?”

I hear Cain softly say, “Yeah.”

“I’m Hank. Everything’s going to be okay now.” Hank’s deep smooth voice is soothing and consoling. Cain’s shaky breaths are already sounding more steady.

“Kyle, put the gun down before someone gets hurt,” Hank says.

“Not until I see him in handcuffs.”

Just then, the door flies opens and five cops walk in, all with guns in their hands. They storm up to my father and read him his rights.

“What’s happening?” I ask as Hank takes the gun from me.

“After you called me from the hotel, I alerted my contacts and told them what was going on. They’ve been tracking the men you described to us. Your father’s workers. Just this morning they caught them doing a deal and arrested them. They talked to get a lesser sentence. Told us everything we needed to know.” He leans close to my ear so Cain can’t hear. “Your father’s going to be going away for a long time.”

I nod and give him a look that we’ll talk later. Cain is my priority now. I pull him into my side. “You sure you’re okay?”

He nods, but still looks scared to death.

I lean down to his level. “Whatever happens, I’ll take care of you. I won’t leave you again. I promise.”

He nods and then hugs me, even tighter than before. “I missed you.”

“I missed you too, buddy.”

“He’s lying,” my father yells. I look over and see him being handcuffed. “My SON is the criminal, not me! He’s the one who ran off and changed his identity!”

Cain and I watch as they take our father away. He’s fighting them as they do, yelling that he’s going to sue them for harassment and false arrest.

“Where’s Sage?” I ask Hank.

“In the car, about a mile from here. She wanted to come with me but I wouldn’t let her.”

“Are you sure she’s safe?”

“She’s with Josh.”

“Josh? Like Kansas City Josh?”

“I thought it’d be best to bring someone along and he was the most logical choice.”

“The guy hates me.”
