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“Good.” Biting her lower lip, her gaze fell to my bare chest and abs, and a beautiful blush reached her cheeks.

Instinctively, I leaned into her, looming over her small form. Need exuded from her like a scent while she appreciated the way the armor looked on me. A whimper tangled in her chest with the desire awakening in her having me so close.

Something else began to throb in response to her heated gaze on me, and I instantly hardened for her. Lifting her chin, I kissed her, laying her back on the earth, and her legs instinctively wrapped around me.

Unzipping the front of my pants, I pulled out my hardened length. The leather panels of her skirt opened eagerly, giving me access when my hand plunged between her legs. Tugging aside the panties of her leather bodysuit, I let my fingers intimately caress her delicate skin, rubbing the most sensitive part of her.

“Braxton,” Evie moaned, pressing close to me. “Please…”

I slid inside her, feeling her stroke me harder. She was still swollen from our love making earlier, when she had already been so tight around me. Fuck. Panting from desire and the mind-blowing way she felt, I began to rock into her faster than before.

Evie’s hands fell from my back, slipping into my pants and gripping my ass tightly. Her body gave into me with every stroke.

Minutes disappeared as I loved her again, maybe turning into an hour or more—for all I knew a day must have passed. I could only feel her and the dangerous fall she forced me into the second I became undone for her, feeling her come apart against me.


There was just no other word to describe the chemistry between us. Our connection was perfect.

* * *

“I have to pee,” Evie whispered against my lips a while later, and I chuckled, letting her out of my arms. Night had fallen in Caelisium, and a gorgeous starry sky shimmered above us.

“When are we leaving?” I asked, sitting up and fixing my pants. “I want to see your home.”

“I’m just waiting for Draco and Vyper to wake up. They need their full strength to complete the journey. They are kids, so going through the portal is taxing for them.” She shrugged, whirling around and walking towards the edge of the lake. “But they should be awaking at any moment,” she called back.

Content, I felt the urge too and stood, walking outside the small cave to a bush nearby. Reaching for it, I made sure it was actually a plant. The last thing I needed was to pee on a creature as tall as a high-rise that could have me for dinner. Chuckling, I began to take care of business and sighed in relief. After cleaning myself with a leaf, like a caveman, I tugged my jeans up but stumbled as the earth shook beneath my feet. It felt like something had crashed onto it.

The two Dragons beside us shot to the sky immediately, fleeing the place as fast as they could, but I was not worried about them. Suddenly rooted in place, I felt a wave of fear roll through me. It wasn’t my fear.

Whirling around, my heart stopped when I found a four-headed beast at the edge of the lake. The grey Dragon trained all four heads on me, eyes glowing green while Draco squirmed to my side. Vyper retreated too, knowing the monster was too great a threat for him—but not before spewing a fireball at him.

I staggered back when Vyper’s wing pressed me against the outside of the cave, protecting me, but I didn’t care about myself, my eyes were frantically looking for Evie.

My heart stopped when I finally found her. Her wide blue eyes were filled with terror and dread, and it seemed like she wasn’t even breathing. She stood at the edge of the lake just below the four-headed monster, frozen in place while the sharp end of a glowing green staff pressed against her neck.

Panic gripped my every muscle when I looked at the tall man behind her. The iron mask of a horned demon covered his face, sharp teeth protruding from the place where his mouth should be, and an eerie green light burst from his eyes. Just like it did from the monster. A black cloak hung from the back of the steel vest covering his torso, willowing in the wind while his muscle-ripped arms clung to Evie. What looked like long panels of fabric covered his legs like a skirt.

It was the evil man from my visions.

“Thank you for distracting the highly coveted Skyborne Princess, stranger. I owe you a great debt.” His deep voice boomed along the lake, causing more Dragons to take flight in the distance, getting away as fast as possible.

“Let her go!” I shouted, hands fisting; hearing Vyper’s vicious roar echo my demand.

Laughter burst from the man, and I stepped closer, wanting to punch the hell out of that stupid mask. Evie’s whimper halted me; he had pressed the sharp staff closer to her skin.

“I like your spirit, boy. Sadly, it won’t help.” His head turned towards Evie’s ear while her alarmed eyes locked with mine, screaming at me not to move. “Let’s go, Princess. It’s time you and I had a talk.”

Grey smoke suddenly rose from the earth, engulfing them both in a matter of seconds, while my heart crashed against my chest.


Pushing Vyper’s wing away, I ran to them, but the smoke dissolved before I could reach them, taking her away. They reappeared on top of the four-headed beast, a moment before it flew into the sky.


“Evie!!” I roared.

* * *

To Be Continued…

* * *

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