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Sloane shrugged. “Maybe.”

Fully committing to the roll, Ari approached the defense table Sloane invented. “I’m showing the police report to defense counsel,” she said before turning toward Judge Chad. “May I approach the witness?”

“You may,” he replied, looking like he was proud that she was following proper procedure like she’d done this a hundred times. His expression was encouraging and helped settle her nerves.

You got this. You know what you’re doing. She’s just trying to mess with you because it’s the only way she can win.

“Detective,” Ari stopped a few inches away from Sloane.

Just close enough to feel taller than her for once. “Would you take a look at this and see if it refreshes your memory regarding the defendant’s statements.”

Begrudgingly, Sloane took the document. She gave it a cursory glance before handing it back. “I don’t really remember writing this report.”

Ari’s head snapped to the side like it was on a swivel.

“Chad, she’s not—”

“You’re going to run into a lot of di cult witnesses. Even ones you’ve prepped. People get nervous, they change their

testimony, and sometimes they just straight up lie. What are you going to do?”

“Detective, can I direct your attention to the second page of your report. The second paragraph. Could you please read that and let me know if it jogs your memory as to any statements made by the defendant.”

Ari knew the police report backwards and forwards. All she needed was for Sloane to say that the woman confessed to using the password without her husband’s permission. It was the crux of the entire case.

Sloane scanned the paper so long she could’ve read it three times from beginning to end. “It says here that she said she used the husband’s password, but I don’t have any independent recollection of that.”

Ari straightened. There was a light at the end of her hellish little tunnel. “Well, you wrote it, correct? Is it fair to say that you would have had a better memory of the event then than you do now?”

Crossing one long leg over the other, Sloane grabbed her chin in a way that made Ari want to strangle her. Couldn’t she cooperate just this once? Did everything have to be so di cult?

“I don’t know. It’s possible. But I was also going through my own divorce then. It could’ve colored my impression—”

“Objection, Your Honor! Please direct the witness to stop providing extraneous commentary before she causes a mistrial,” Ari shouted, beads of sweat flooding her lower back as panic pulled at her fraying edges.

The momentary smile that flashed on Sloane’s lips set every fiber in Ari’s body on fire. Her head spun and her ears

rang. All she could process was rage at the thorn in her side that could never just leave her in peace.

“Okay, this is a good time to take a break,” Chad said, slapping the tops of his thighs ine ectually before standing.

“We’ll pick back up with a new pair after lunch. Good work, ladies.”

Sloane smiled at him like a Girl Scout selling Thin Mints.


Ari held on just long enough for Chad and some of the others to clear the room before she stomped to where Sloane was collecting her purse.

“What the actual hell was that?” Ari’s voice was high and screechy, but she could either hold in her angry tears or moderate her voice. She could only choose one and she sure as shit wasn’t going to let Sloane see her cry.

Sloane looked up from her bag before cocking her head to one side. The picture of innocence. Ari bit the inside of her cheek as her fingernails dug into her palm. “What was what?”

Ari’s body was vibrating on a new frequency as her limbs shook and a cold sweat covered her skin. “Refusing to testify like you were supposed to. Fucking me over on purpose.” She regretted cursing, but at least the others had left to grab their lunches.

Feigning surprise, Sloane put her hand to her chest as if stilling her racing heart. “Did I miss the memo? Was there a specific way I was supposed to play that?”

“You know damn well this wasn’t about playing at being a shitty witness. It was so we could practice direct exam, but you just couldn’t resist messing with me, could you?” Ari

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