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lived with all these regrets, and this hope, and now you’re


Quinn wrapped her arms around Dallas’ waist. She

didn’t cling to her, but she bound them together with her

touch. She might have been afraid, but she wasn’t going to

stop. “I’m here.”

Dallas cupped Quinn’s face and kissed her again. God,

she was a great kisser. Her lips moved against Quinn’s and a

flood of wondrous sensation took over. Quinn knew that if she

let go, she could lose herself completely in Dallas. It wasn’t

scary. It felt wonderful. Quinn let everything go, all her fears

and doubts, all her anxieties about what doing this meant.

She’d had a mental list of innumerable reasons that she

shouldn’t have even come here, but she just kept hearing Billy

asking her what she was going to do about it. About Dallas.

About them.

There was a list equally as long with the reasons that

Quinn knew she couldn’t not have come. In the end, the scales

tipped and that list won out. Everything that was unfinished,

the past, her desire, their connection, how right it once felt

when they were together, the ache inside of her that had been

gnawing at her for a decade- all of that won.

It was still winning. There was no way she was going

to stop.

So when Dallas deepened the kiss, Quinn thrust her

tongue through the seam of Dallas’ lips and kissed her back.

She let Dallas tug her down, down, onto the bed with her.

Dallas was on top, but she cradled Quinn so that she didn’t hit

hard. She made sure her head was on the pillow and that their

bodies were lined up and that she was supported so that she
