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She seemed flustered suddenly, a soft blush on her cheeks. “I

guess I’m not being fully honest. I do know why I got it. I was

thinking of you when I had it done.”

“Really?” Quinn set her hand on Dallas’ shoulder. It

felt strange, but wonderfully strange, to be brushing her

fingers against her bare skin.

“Yes. It was years ago. I was nineteen.”

Quinn couldn’t believe it was that old. Or that Dallas

had it done that long ago. Or that she’d been thinking about

her when she did it.

She studied Dallas’ lips, thinking about kissing her

again. God, she loved the sweet, intoxicating taste of Dallas’

mouth. She dropped her gaze lower, to Dallas’ breasts. She

wanted to taste her there too. Kiss her. Take her time with her.

It brought back memories of the first time they’d ever done

this. They were in Quinn’s car. They’d gone for a drive. Dallas

confessed that she was feeling strange. Quinn had said she felt

strange too. That lately she hadn’t been thinking of Dallas like

her best friend anymore.

It was kind of weird, that night, because Quinn had

been out for years before then, but Dallas kept what she felt

closely guarded. Quinn had suspected that her best friend

might not be into guys, and not just because her parents were

pretty strict and didn’t really allow her to date. It was crazy for

Quinn to think and to hope that Dallas might be into her as

more than just a best friend. She knew that the odds were slim,

probably slimmer than winning the freaking lottery, so when

Dallas told her, out of nowhere, that night when they’d gone

for a drive, that her feelings for Quinn had changed, Quinn

was in total shock.
