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“I used all the cups too. Shoot.” Dallas glanced around


“That’s okay then.” Quinn laughed nervously. “Don’t

worry about it.” She walked over and sat down on the edge of

the other bed, opposite of Dallas’ suitcase. There wasn’t any

other furniture in the room besides the two beds, the

nightstands, and the dresser thing with the TV.

Dallas had to do a double take. Was Quinn really there, in

her room, sitting on the bed, or was the sushi she’d ordered in

the night before bad and this was just a hallucination from

eating fish that was off?

No. No, Quinn really was there. That sushi was too good


o have been bad.

Once Dallas finally realized that it was real her brain

started sending all sorts of wonky signals to the rest of her

body. It started as a quiver in her legs that turned into a shiver

in her belly. That shiver trailed up her back, into her shoulders,

and wrapped its way around her chest. She found herself

staring at Quinn’s mouth, thinking odd thoughts about kissing

her until both of their lips were numb from it. She had a

memory of the first time she’d ever kissed Quinn. They’d been

friends for so long and Dallas knew she was taking a big risk,

but it had kind of just happened. And it had been perfect.

“What- you came here to…” Dallas’ voice was scratchy

and she swallowed hard, hoping to improve the quality, but

instead the words she wanted to say got stuck in her throat.

Quinn understood anyway. “I talked to Danica and Billy.

About what you told me.”

Dallas was surprised. She’d very much doubted that Quinn
