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Since her condo was quite an open concept, she’d watched

them walk through the front door. Of course, the first thing

Billy spotted was the pizza that Quinn already ordered. It was

after seven again and when she texted earlier for yet another

emergency meeting, she figured she’d better have eats on hand

first to improve the mood.

Not that the pizza improved hers, even though she’d

ordered her favorite. Extra cheese with three times pineapple

and green olives. Billy liked to say that her pizza choices were

an abomination and an insult to good pizza everywhere.

“Oh god!” Billy cringed when he lifted the box flap of

Quinn’s pizza. “Not that again. I thought you promised to

grow out of wrecking good pizza.”

“I never promised any such thing and you know it!”

“Leave her alone,” Danica chided. “Just because she’s

gross and likes gross things on her pizza doesn’t mean that we

have to comment on it because we like things that aren’t


Quinn stuck her tongue out at her sister. She never would

have tried it if they were at home or if their mom was around.

She liked to yank on stuck out tongues. She’d done it to them

a few times as kids, and dang, it hurt, even if she was being

gentle about it.

Danica opened the second box and shoved it at Billy. “You

really shouldn’t talk. All meat with onions and black olives is

pretty gross.”

“Why? Because it’s not ham and cheese? That’s boring.”

“Yeah, well, you’re the one that insists pineapple on pizza

is gross, so not sure how I can make it less boring.”

Billy dug a huge, cheesy slice out of his box and munched
