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think we should discuss, so my answer is still no.”

Quinn turned. Dallas stepped forward, not blocking her

way, and not reaching for her hand. She didn’t touch Quinn at

all because she didn’t want to scare her away. Or piss her off.

Okay, maybe she was already pissed off.

“Please?” Dallas choked.

Quinn’s lips pressed into a flat line. She stared down the

sidewalk, way off into the distance. Probably searching for her

car to make a quick getaway. Instead of making a break for it

she inhaled sharply and her eyes flicked back to Dallas.

“Fine. But only because I know how persistent and

stubborn you can be and I really just want to hear the end of

this today. But not dinner. That’s too- yeah. Just not dinner. If

you want to take a walk right now, I’ll take a walk, but not

anything else.”

Why did I say dinner? Why didn’t I just say food? Coffee?

Dallas could see how Quinn would find it uncomfortable. At

dinner, one person had to sit and look at the other.

Conversation was expected to flow. It could be awkward as

heck. Dinner was something a person did with friends. With

people they cared about. For dates. For first, second, third

dates or years into a relationship. Dinner could just be friends

sitting down to chat, but it could also be intimate, like Quinn


“Alright. A walk. Sure.”

Dallas turned in the opposite direction, hoping that Quinn

wasn’t giving her the fake out about where she’d parked. She

wanted to walk the other way, in hopes that Quinn couldn’t

escape by spotting her vehicle after five minutes. There were

things Dallas wanted to say. She knew that she wanted to say
