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often included breaking up with that person’s family.

Sometimes the family didn’t get a goodbye. Sometimes they

didn’t get an explanation. Sometimes they didn’t get closure.

Jesus, it was ten years ago. Why am I even freaking out?

I’m not freaking out. Seriously, I’m not.

Except that Quinn was freaking out and she knew it. She

could feel the beads of sweat trickling down her back, sticking

Danica’s dress to her skin. Her heartrate wasn’t normal. Her

feet were killing her. Every step was excruciating. It was hot

out, but that’s not what was turning her perfect hair into a

limp, stringy mess.


Ugh. She could even imagine that she could hear Dallas’

voice. Calling her back. Back to that stupid office. Back to that

tiny little room that felt like it was closing in on her.

“Quinn, wait!”

Quinn whirled around so sharply that her heel caught in a

crack on the sidewalk. Her legs twisted and before she could

get anything right again, the world was spinning in a crazy

upside down kind of way. She twisted in order to protect

herself. She didn’t want to fall on her hands or arms, or worse,

let her face catch the sidewalk. She managed to get enough

momentum into that twist that she hit with her hip and rolled

harmlessly onto her bottom.

Only her pride was bruised.

And when she craned her neck up to see what shadow was

blocking the sun above her, her pride was really bruised.

There seemed to be some unwritten law in the universe

that stated that anything that could go wrong must always go

wrong. And then get worse. And then get worse from there.
