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or even walk quickly in them and as Dallas burst through the

building’s double glass doors, she spotted Quinn walking

down the sidewalk to the right. There also wasn’t a crowd of

people. Just a few walking in the distance, and Quinn stuck out

in her tropical looking dress.

Dallas paused just outside the door. The hot sun and

dry summer air hit her full blast. She was instantly soaked in

sweat, but it wasn’t just the weather.

She’d been waiting for this moment for ten years,

never even hoping that it would ever become a reality.

Anytime she’d ever thought about it or hoped for it, or even

dreamed of it, it hadn’t gone down like this, with Quinn telling

her and the lawyer to go to hell.

Okay, Dallas did imagine that it would go down with

Quinn telling her to F to the u-c-k off, or something along

those lines, but not like this. The scenario, not the words. The

words were pretty much bang on.

Dallas inhaled sharply and took that first step forward

down the sidewalk after Quinn’s retreating figure.

Chapter 6


Quinn walked as quickly as her stupid heels would allow

her to, which really wasn’t fast at all. Not fast enough for her.

Not when she wanted to be sprinting and could only settle for

a rapid walk that made her leg muscles burn because her

stupid shoes were so inefficiently built for anything but being


She’d wanted to look good for the lawyer meeting. It

might have been childish or outlandish or whatever, but she’d

borrowed a dress from Danica, put on a pair of heels she’d
