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“I think Grampy figured that might be really hard on her. It

wouldn’t exactly be conducive to making up or making things

right or finding closure or whatever, with a bunch of the

family breathing over her shoulder. That would just pressure

her into saying things she didn’t mean. It wouldn’t be


That didn’t sit well with Danica. She crossed her arms and

fumed beside Billy on the couch. “And you think she’s going

to offer you a genuine apology after ten years? She didn’t

write. She didn’t call. She could have explained, but she

didn’t. She just left.”

“Maybe it was her parents. I don’t know. They were- strict.

Conservative. Whatever.”

“It’s been ten years,” Danica stated like they didn’t all

know it. “She could have done something without her parents

breathing over her shoulder by now. They didn’t even have to

know. It wouldn’t have been very hard to write a letter

apologizing, at least to you.”

“Maybe that’s what Grampy is hoping for. That she’ll

apologize to me or explain or something and that I can tell

everyone else what she said. I know it’s not just my business,

but she and I were- uh- I mean, I know why Grampy would

have picked me and not you, Danica, or mom or someone.

That would make her feel awkward.”

“And you going wouldn’t?”

“Oh, it will. It’s going to make me feel extremely

awkward. I’m not going to like it, but I think the other

alternatives would be worse.”

“That’s right,” Billy added. “At least this way you can just

get it done and not have to think about it anymore. If she
