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month, so the file was given to me.”

Suddenly it was clear why Jim hadn’t wanted to get into

detail about the will on the phone with her. Apparently he was

either too busy to look at it properly or just too lazy. Maybe he

had a lot going on, Dallas was willing to give him that, but that

didn’t make her situation any more comfortable.

“Will you please just call her?” She was on the verge of

frustrated tears and she hated that more than anything.

“I’ll see what we can do. I think it might work out better if

you were to call her.”

“Oh no. That would not work better. That would ensure

that she would never come here. Your office needs to call her.

Threaten her with legal action if she won’t come in.”

“We can’t exactly do that.”

“Well, what can you do?”

“We can call and explain the terms of the will as it pertains

to her.”

“Good.” Dallas nodded until her head felt like it was going

to bob right off. “I don’t even have her number, and I’m sure

you guys can’t give it out because of confidentiality reasons.

So- I guess- call her, and then call me? I booked a hotel for

two nights, so I hope it doesn’t take longer than that.”

“I’m sure that she’ll agree to come in.” Jim didn’t sound

sure at all. He was studying Dallas and he must be unnerved

by her expression.

“Thanks.” Dallas grabbed her bag. “Yeah. I guess, just call

me then? Either way, so that I know what I’m doing?”

“I’m really sorry about the mix up,” Jim said as he stood.

He offered his hand and Dallas shook it. “I don’t usually make

mistakes like this.”
