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“Well, what’s wrong with moving out there? I think you’re

worrying about things that you shouldn’t be worrying about

this soon in the game. It’s only been a month. There’s a reason

people give things time. Time can change a lot of things,

including your perspective. Why wouldn’t you consider going

out there, in time, if that’s what you really wanted?”

“Because I would never leave everything here! I’m the

same way. I wouldn’t leave you and all my friends. Mom and

Dad. Even Billy. I’d be so lonely.”

“There’s this thing called a phone. Or a computer. You

could call or video chat and all of that. Text. People move

away from home all the time. Just because you’ve never left

Topeka doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t or wouldn’t find that

you wanted to one day.”

“I don’t want to leave,” Quinn said stubbornly. “I know

that about myself. Plus, I have my place here. And my job.”

“A job you don’t even like.”

“It’s still a job. I’ve been applying for others for a year

now and I haven’t gotten a single call back. Obviously it

wouldn’t be easy to find something else.”

“There’s always something else, even if it’s just filling in

until you find what you really want

to do.”


Quinn turned away from Danica and watched the

people rushing past them. Most of them were rushing, like

they’d cut it close too. She was surprised at how many people

there were for the early morning flights. Maybe they all just

wanted to get it done and over with and have a whole day

ahead of them after. Maybe some of them were travelling for
