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both men and women, before she realized how much it

bothered Danica. Danica was actually quite shy and she got

uncomfortable fast when people stared at her. Danica hardly

ever had any dates. It wasn’t just the shyness. Quinn knew that

people were often too intimidated to approach a beautiful

woman. She could actually understand why her beautiful sister

still didn’t get many dates.

“What’s option c?” Danica asked. “Ignore all the good

advice that Grampy and everyone else gave you and sulk your

way into becoming a total spinster?”

“No! I’m just going to give it some time.”

“You never go on dates, Grampy’s funeral aside. Don’t

take your self-imposed spinsterhood out on me.”

“I’m twenty-eight!” Quinn nearly leapt off the bed. She

knew how that would look, her getting all huffy and stamping

her foot. Danica would just laugh at her and tell her that she

needed to work on getting laid. That was her usual go to

comeback. She’d probably make that option D.

“Spinsters can start being spinsters whenever they want.

It’s a mindset, not an age.”

“Oh for the pity of Pete.”

“We don’t know any Pete’s either.” Danica dug in her big

walk in closet again and appeared with a red dress that was

way too flashy with full beads and feathers on the bottom.

“No!” Quinn shook her head emphatically. “Definitely not.

Unless you’re going dancing. Then maybe.”

“We’re not. I can’t believe you don’t like this!” Danica

pretended to pout, but she went back to her closet and came

back with a yellow blouse and a black skirt. “Would this be

