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least.” Danica fanned herself with her hand, even though it

was perfectly air conditioned in the small ice cream shop.

The cool air didn’t stop the place from smelling like the

inside of a cotton candy cave. If such a thing existed. It would

be sticky, mouth-watering, insanely delicious, and ultra-sweet.

So sweet that a person’s nose hairs got coated in sugar

particles just from breathing in. That’s pretty much what the

inside of the little mom and pop shop smelled like. It was a

tiny blue building on the outside with a huge wood sign

advertising their made from scratch ice cream and treats.

The inside actually looked like a tiny little cabin, with

stained pine on the walls and a huge counter that displayed all

the treats. There were only two seats in the corner. The shop

was more of a hit as a get your treat and get the erf out kind of

a deal. A walk up, but with the added bonus of getting to wait

out of the hot sun while smelling all the sugary delights. That

was probably a trick to make everyone extra hungry.

It worked. Quinn thought that ice cream well before noon

was maybe a bit much, but all of a sudden she was starving.

“I think I really am going to get the gumball grape,” Quinn


“Ew,” Dallas whispered, but not loudly so that anyone else

could hear, especially not the employees upfront.

Steph, Trudy, and Shayna all filed in. After they consulted

the menu, they moved up to the counter. Danica was first. She

got a cherry shake. Shayna got cherry cheesecake, Trudy got

black cherry, and Steph got peppermint chocolate chip. She

was the only one to break with the cherry tradition. Dallas was

ahead of Quinn. She ordered butterscotch toffee. She’d always

loved toffee anything. It gave Quinn a lump in her throat to
