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faces in her victory.

“Five dollar first?”


“Okay, I’ll go first.”

Danica’s friends were standing one beside her, Steph,

Dallas thought it was, and the other two sandwiched between

Danica and Quinn. Dallas was between Quinn and Steph.

She’d go second to last if Danica was starting.

Danica pulled a marble out of her pocket. Quinn

snorted. “Please! That’s the best you could do?”

“No, look,” Danica insisted. She passed the marble

around. It wasn’t one of those big suckers. It was just a tiny

little clear one, but when Dallas got it, she rubbed her fingers

over the smooth glass and lifted it to look at like the rest of

them had. In the middle was a green star. “When do you ever

see one with something like that inside?”

“Lame,” Quinn insisted.

“I think it’s cool,” Steph said. She passed the marble

back to Danica.

“We should give her props because it is her birthday,”

Trudy- god, Dallas thought it was Trudy- said quickly.

Danica smirked. She tucked the marble back in her

pocket. “Okay, well, let’s see what all of you have that’s so

much better. Five bucks doesn’t go as far as it did when we

were kids.”

Maybe Shayna- if the others were Trudy and Steph,

then it had to be Shayna- pulled out an ancient war medal next.

She passed it around and the group exclaimed over it.

“That’s at least First World War,” Quinn said, turning

the medal over in her hand. “You should have saved that one
