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When he squeezed my breast, he wasn’t hesitant or gentle about it. He knew the right amount of pressure it would take to force a moan from my lips. His other hand firmly pressed against my hip. As bad as I wanted to touch him, I had to admit, I loved how his hands felt on me.

If all he wanted to do was touch and explore, I wouldn’t complain. This was a start. From the feel of his touch, he felt less stiff.

Blaise shifted himself so he could be sitting up. Up closer, I could see the different emotions flicking through his gaze. Even now, that hesitance remained. What was stopping him from just giving in? It felt beyond frustrating.

Even when I wanted to throw myself at the guy, he wouldn’t bite.

My hands cupped his face. Beneath my fingertips, his stubble poked at my skin. All in all, he was a tough guy. I loved every inch of him. Feeling him watch my every move without stopping me, I leaned forward expecting him to do the same.

“When you aren’t being a jerk, I think about kissing you a lot,” I confessed to him as my breath brushed against his lips. “Sometimes, I think about doing other things.”

The sound that came from his chest was primal. I never got goosebumps so fast in my life. It was the sound of approval.

Ignoring the way my heart pumped in my chest, I got another spike of courage and brushed my lips against his. The feel of his lips against mine set off a sharp, wild need inside of me. I didn’t realize how badly I needed him until I felt his arms wrap around me and pull my body hard against his.


Beneath the thin fabric of my nightgown, I could feel his hard chest flush against me. Feeling so warm, I wish I had a little less covering my skin. When I felt his hands run along my back and bunch the fabric in his hands, I could only guess that he wanted the same.

I poured everything I had into the kiss. I needed him to realize how I felt about him. How my heart had been taken from the beginning. Ever since he showed up, he took it in a tight fist. Not even his rough attitude could ruin the way I felt about him.

Surprisingly enough, his lips were gentle unlike the rest of him. I never wanted to stop. Unfortunately, I needed to get air into my system thanks to my lack of breathing.

Breaking away, our eyes met and for what felt like an eternity, we stared at each other. The kiss lingered long after his lips left. After kissing him like this, I didn’t think we would be able to go back to normal.

“Ana…” He seemed just as affected as I felt. I hope what I heard in his voice wasn’t hesitation.

To be truthful, that kiss had just barely scratched a itch I wanted more, much more. I wanted to be able to see a side of Blaise that no one else had.

Sitting back, I pressed my hands against his chest. Feeling him against the palm of my hands, I let out a shuddered breath. Before he could say anything else, I gave him a shove and let him hit the bed once more.

He gave me a questioning look before his lips moved into a frown. It was like he knew what I planned on doing.

Shifting myself backward, my hands went to the band of his sweats. No longer resting on top of him, I could see the hardened curve hiding beneath his clothes. One tug was all it took for him to reach out and stop me.

“Ana, you don’t have to–”

“Blaise, I want to. You’ve taken such good care of me all of this time, can’t I finally do the same?” I asked him, trying my best not to look too hopeful. I didn’t want him to see how much it would crush me if he wouldn’t let me continue. It wasn’t just about his pleasure. Doing something like this would be very satisfying to me as well.

It took a few passing seconds, but his hands drifted away. Even now, he watched me wearily. Like he expected me to change my mind randomly and yank away. He didn’t understand how bad I wanted this.

Giving another tug to his sweats, they pulled down to his hips. My heart thumped harder and harder as I moved to pull his sweats off with a bit of his assistance. All the way down to his ankle, I tugged them off and tossed them to the ground.

Looking down at him, I noticed his leg. From his amputation to his other scarred leg, my stomach tightened.

“You sure you are still wanting to do anything after seeing me like this?” he asked, sounding disgusted with himself. Why couldn’t he see himself the way that I did?

Reaching out to touch his ankle, I ran my hand along his leg up to his thigh. His skin was still reddened from a scar that looked fresh even after all the time that passed since his injury. Up until I could reach his other thigh, I touched him as much as I possibly could before reaching his boxers.

“Yes, I am definitely still wanting to,” I breathed out as I eyed his tented erection. He didn’t understand that he was the reason why I had to press my thighs together to keep my own heat from escaping after every heated argument that happened between us. The man drove me crazy.

I swore he went completely still as I pressed a hand against his clothed erection. Hot to the touch, I sucked in a breath. All this time, I’d never even seen a cock in real life. Here I was touching one.

“You’re killing me, Ana,” he hissed deeply. His brows had lowered and his eyes moved to watch my exploring hand. “It’s been years since–”

“Good,” I interrupted him. I didn’t like the thought of some other woman touching him like this. Being the greedy person I was, only I wanted to be the one to touch him and bring him pleasure.

Having done enough exploring, I lowered his boxers enough to draw out his cock. Amazed at his thickness, I watched him grow against the palm of my hand.

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