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The doors coast open. Dark coals blaze over my skin. Heated palms rest on my waist, pushing me back against the elevator. My body hits the grating, and my favorite poison devours the shocked yelp from my lips.

Victor lowers his head, pressing his teeth into my neck. “Our first time on a lift concluded with my cock dipping into your magnificent cunt.”

A nip falls over my pulse. Then a bite clamps into the feverish flesh of my collarbone. The flood gates open in my panties.

While running his lips along the heated skin, Victor’s deep voice becomes a dark caress over me. “I bloody fucking missed you, Little One.”

“Good because I’m crazy over you.” My covetous fingers thread Victor’s hair. Sultry lips suck the supple skin at my neck, and his hands smooth over the electric current along my flesh.

As the elevator doors open, rain pours into the vestibule through an open door that swings in the wind.

“Oh, Vic, we don’t have an umb—”

His hands claim my face, kissing and tugging my lip. “You were in a rush. I’ll get us an umbrella . . . somewhere.”

Victor’s lips are still on mine while he begins to remove his blazer.

“Forget everything that happened. Today, I serve you, Little One,” he orders, unbuttoning his shirt. I’m left a panting mess while my pitiful stare trails his broad shoulders taper down to a chiseled chest.

I gasp. “No, don’t take off your shirt.”

Victor places the suit jacket over our heads, saying, “Whenever it rains, you’ll always think of me.”

Though smiling, I push the muscles of my cheeks harder. Show my contentment. But his enduring promise doesn’t sit right with me.Always think of him. This only implies that distance and time will become a factor in this intense love I have for him.

“Luxury? Are you thinking?” he scolds, placing out a stiff hand to stop the door from shutting.

I bite my lip.

“Stop it.” With a gesture of his head, I follow Victor out into the rain. Instantly, the corners of my mouth tip upward. I've never smiled so hard in my life, so I have to look away and laugh.

My next thought is to tell Victor I love him a billion times. But I'll take it slow and revel in the hypnotic hold he has on me. Victor escorts me to his Mercedes, which barely squeezes in a parking spot.

Still attempting to shield me, Victor reaches over and opens the passenger door to let me in.

“Her royal highness.” He waves a hand as I start to get in.

“Not funny.”

Victor’s rarely corny, but for the moment, there’s an enduring spark in the man with the Adonis-carved face and body. He clutches the blazer, letting the rain slick his hair down, jogging around the car to get into the driver’s seat. I guess Victor has a mission that I’ll enjoy this rainy day.

Doesn’t he know it’s him? Not the rain I seek?

The Mercedes purrs to life.

“Good luck,” I snort as he slowly inches back and forth, unwedging the car from the tight spot.

“Can you do better?” Victor challenges.

“Simmer down, Mr. Competitive.” My hand hides silent giggles. An old Caprice is behind him, but the tiny Fiat in front probably came and squeezed them all in. “I can't drive.”

Victor turns a furious scowl in my direction. I combust with laughter. A swirl of butterflies flutters in my stomach. Dr. Finch’s presence is my addiction, my drug.

“I’ll have to teach you one day.” Victor slips from the tight spot only to be stuck in traffic.

“One day?” I arch a nonchalant eyebrow, though my heartbeat has taken an erratic tempo.

“Yes. Who else will teach you, silly?”
