Page 37 of Pursued

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Gage laughs and adds a can of shaving cream to his basket. Tackle and More is like no other store I’ve seen. It’s a cross between a mini market or convenience store, liquor store, and bait shop all in one. When we walked in it was a lot to take in. I have to give the owner credit, it’s a solid business venture. I follow Gage as he moves through the small aisles and grab a bag of cinnamon bears for myself.

“Did you need anything while... Ah, are you a sweets person?”

“Not really but I can’t pass up cinnamon bears. How about you? Need some tackle? A bottle of whiskey?”

We both laugh and meander through the store a little longer before reaching the counter. Gage snags the bag of bears from my hand and adds them to his pile of items. I open my mouth to argue but the look he shoots my way tells me my complaint would fall on deaf ears.

“You finish those cabins yet?” the older man behind the counter asks without looking up at us.

“Working on it, sir.”

“Good. My son and grandson come up each year and like to stay there. Makes no damn sense since I have plenty of room, but whatever. Damn city has messed with his head I think.”

Gage shoots me a look, his eyebrows lifting. I stifle my giggles at the man’s tangent. I’m grateful when the payment is made and we’re able to leave. I’ve learned a lot about Starlight Ridge today and my primary takeaway is that it is quite eclectic. Tackle and More was just the icing on an interesting morning.

“Is he always that grumpy?” I ask as I open the passenger door to Gage’s truck.

“No. Usually he’s worse.”

I climb into the passenger seat and click my seatbelt as Gage cranks the ignition. “I’m kidding. Mr. Nyland is pretty cool but each time I stop in he asks about the cabins like people are chomping at the bit to rent them.”

“Are they not?”

Gage shifts into gear and pulls out of the dirt lot. Once we’re on the main road he replies, “Sure but since I’m doing the work, Bruce didn’t set anyone up until August. Most of the people who come through have been renting them for years and were grateful for some of the renovations and willing to wait.”

“Since we have hours to burn, would it be okay to show me what you’re working on? I mean, you don’t have to but there isn’t much else for me to do today.”

“If you want. They aren’t anything exciting. Just some minor updates.”

“Gage, this is the most I’ve done in three years. I know this could disappear at any time but I feel normal today. Please don’t make me go back to The Bluebird yet.”

He’s quiet and I wonder if I said something to upset him. He doesn’t look upset but I don’t know him well enough to know for certain.

“Prepare to be unimpressed.”

Happy to have something else to do, I settle back in the seat and let my hand hang out the window, the breeze blowing my hair and a smile on my face.

Chapter 26


Watching Sophia move around the cabin is unnerving. I feel like she’s inspecting every inch of it with a critical eye. She’s quiet as she touches the countertops with her fingertips. I hold my breath as she turns to face me.

“I think you sell yourself short, Gage. This place is great. Tiny and not a lot of privacy but great nonetheless.”

“What, you think bathrooms shouldn’t be an arm’s length from the living space?”

She giggles and crosses the room to the bathroom. I wanted to move the bathroom but Bruce didn’t want to spend the money. Plus, he says the placement gives it part of the charm. I’m not sure how charming hearing someone on the toilet while you watch television is but this is where we are.

“I suppose we should be grateful there is a bathroom. How do you shower in here? I barely fit,” she teases as she steps in the shower and moves in a circle.

Sophia isn’t wrong. The shower leaves much to be desired but it does the job. I watch with amusement as she opens the medicine cabinet and closes it with a sigh.


Peering over her shoulder she shrugs. “In the movies they always find something interesting when snooping in medicine cabinets.”

I’m quiet as she continues her perusal. When her journey brings her back to me, I raise a brow in question. She looks dissatisfied and mimics my look with her own lifted eyebrow and crossed arms.
