Page 86 of Hula

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We walk to the only other wall without a door or window. The only place not touched by direct light. It is a blank canvas for Pono’s art. The shadow boxes are large and hang against the dark green wall. It makes the colors of the fabrics displayed pop.

“See the photographs?” Nani points to the framed pictures.

“Yes, that’s a great touch. I bet people will love it.”

“They do. Speaking of love…”

I meet her eyes.

“I’m so happy for you and Lani.”

“Thank you, dear. But I’m thinking of your love story.”

“I’m thinking of it too.”

She takes my hands.

“I know. It’s going to be awful being apart.”

Didn’t expect that.

“Yeah. It is.”

“You need to be strong. And very patient.”

I lift a corner of my mouth in doubt. She continues.

“And he needs to be alone and miserable.”

“From your mouth to God’s ears.”

She leans close.

“I know what I’m talking about. He wants to be here. Give him a little time to figure out how to do it.”

I feel a beat of hope. Maybe a man’s mother sees beyond the facts. I want so desperately for it to be true.

“So much has to be weighed when you are a parent. You have to think how every big decision you make will changetheirlife too. A good parent takes the time.”

“I know you’re right. I do.”

“He’s waving us over. Your martini has arrived. Just remember what I told you. You two are meant to be. And meant to behere.”

As she turns to walk away, I touch her arm.

“Wait. Thank you, Nani.”

She pats my hand and smiles knowingly. “A mother’s job is never done.”

The night moved with the speed of all good things. Too fast. At the restaurant till closing, I participated in the conversations and laughter. My fake self, anyway. All around us, people were enjoying themselves. The food and drinks, the company. Everyone that is, but Alek and me. His fake self was there too. I recognized him immediately. Maybe Alana was feeling like us. She was quiet but didn’t send any faux girl in her place. Maybe she is more honest with her emotions than we are.

I was aware it was all coming to an end, and summer had begun to evaporate, like mist in the mountains. One moment it was there, and the next gone. The impulse to ask him to stay is strong, even though it would be a ridiculous request. I have become accustomed to feeling his heartbeat close to mine. Not sure mine will go on beating without him.

Now, just waking at noon, half the day is gone. The last day. The remaining hours to be spent getting ready for tomorrow morning’s flight home. Why did he reserve such an early flight? I know he didn’t even know me when he booked the ticket, but we could have grabbed a few more hours. It’s all inconsequential now. Even if we had the extra time it wouldn’t make a difference. I can think of nothing else but the leaving, and it colors the day gray.

His arm reaches across my body. Finding the nook, I snuggle in the warmth.

“Morning, babe.”

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