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Toby lifted an eyebrow again. She laughed.

“Believe it or not, cowboy, I used to have all the moves, once upon a time.”

“Once upon a time? You talk like an old lady. Set your cane down and show me what you got.”

She snorted at his beguiled smirk, blowing it off. He couldn’t be serious anyway, and her smile thinned. “But I can’t let guys come and go through my life like a revolving door, not with a little boy to raise. The last thing Sage needs is fair-weather dudes hanging around, only to leave again, when he already struggles to open up…” She shook her head. She was really getting off track, wasn’t she? Pull the reins back, drama queen. “Yeah. Sorry. You didn’t need me unloading that on you.”

“Don’t apologize.” He watched her with what looked like part amusement, part poker face but let the remark hang.

Surely he’d find an excuse to leave now. If her having a kid hadn’t put him off before—and judging by his come-on a moment ago, her having a kid had barely fazed him—her declaration that she wasn’t a love ’em and leave ’em sort of gal was certainly enough to turn his hot blood cold, wasn’t it?

Instead, he sipped his tea. Tea? It was stupid that all she could put in this prime guy’s hand, complete with a belt-buckle the size of the Lone Star flying over the capital, was a mug of herbal tea.

“So, you gonna take me down to the rock-art site and explain about it or just stand there fretting?” It was as if he could read her mind. Her eyes flitted back to his, then traveled the length of his long legs still crossed at the ankle and a natural bulge at his crotch—goddammit! Get your eyes off of where they don’t belong!

“Yeah, sure,” she breathed, draining her tea as if her throat was parched.

So he wasn’t leaving. Or he was just being polite, knowing that since he’d already come to her, it would be rude as hell to dart off like a jackrabbit now.

“You’re still fretting.” He chuckled. “Come on, don’t you have some cheesy movie quote to sling at me? Use the force, Harry, or some shit?”

A laugh burst from her throat, and she threw her hand over her mouth. Okay, he wanted to go there? Fine. He was well in the friend zone, but probably no further. It was probably for the best that his curiosity in her was being doused.

Besides, Sage didn’t form attachments well, so she’d decided long ago that no guy would get close to him unless that guy was the one. The one. She wasn’t so sure such a man existed or how she’d ever meet him, for that matter, if she refused to date. She’d been young and foolish, playing with fire, but she’d been idealistic once, too. Being a young mom trying to forge her way in life was enough to crush even the most hopeful of souls.

“Ha. It’s ‘Use the force, Luke,’ not Harry.”

“Luke, that’s right. Got my epic sagas mixed up.”

“As only a true-normal-person-who’s-not-really-a-fan would,” she smiled sweetly.

“Good. We’re back to insulting each other. You worried me for a sec there, Morales.”

She shook her head and rolled her eyes. “Well, better get that skinny ass off my couch and out the door, then, if you want to make the hike before it gets hot and the snakes come out to sunbathe.”

He stretched like a lazy lion, then shoved to his feet. “Aye, aye, Captain.”

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