Page 8 of Love You Always

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Her heart thumping, Sal lets Luke take her in his arms and set her down on the edge of the kitchen table. A slight thrill goes through her. Everything about this is illicit and improper and Sal can’t get enough. They’re like lovers, like teenagers, only it’s her kitchen and her husband and she’s going to enjoy every damn second of it.

Without missing a beat, Luke leans over and shuts off the light. His smile’s roguish as he stares down at her. “Don’t want anyone else seein’ you but me.”

Luke trails hot kisses along her collarbone, cupping her breast in his palm. Sal shivers from the sensation. Her country boy with his gentle hands, calloused fingertips circling her nipple, bringing it to a hardened bud. Sal makes a small sound, her body arching up into Luke’s.

He catches her in his arms, bringing her against him. And then he stops and says, “God, you’re beautiful.” He’s staring at her. His dark eyes dazed with lust. Ravenous. A warm blush creeps across her face. She’s never gotten used to Luke’s stare. While she loves it, she doesn’t know what she’s done to deserve it. He looks at her like she’s a goddess. Some impossible savior when all she feels like these days is an absolute failure of a woman.

Sal responds by lurching, crushing Luke’s mouth with hers, winding her arms around his neck as his hands find her down below. His long fingers dip into her with a gentle probe. One, then two, then her sweet spot. Luke growls, at the slickness of her arousal, at her whimper of pleasure, and grips her even tighter, his body a massive wall against her petite frame.

Sal releases a low moan. He’s teasing her. Flat out tormenting her with his honeyed touch. Finally, she can’t take it any longer. “Please, Luke.”

She says his name and it’s like a pistol start. His dark eyes flash at the begging tremble in her voice.

He unzips his jeans, letting them fall to his ankles.

Luke lays her down on the table. He drapes his lean frame over her, one arm gripping the edge of the table above her, the other down by her side, joining their palms, their tattoos forming their final sentences: ALL THE ROADS LEAD TO US.

Slowly, he pushes into her.

Sal gasps. She’ll never get used to the sensation of him. Hard and throbbing, every part of him showing her how bad he wants her. How much he needs her.

“Goddamn,” Luke grits out, his breath hot near her ear. “Sal, you feel so fuckin’ good.”

His voice, desperate, haggard, has her writhing, wanting to feel him.

Luke undulates in a slow roll of a movement. Like a wave of friction cresting over Sal. She shifts with him, rocking her body against his. Her legs wrap around his waist and she pulls him in closer. Deeper.

Sal closes her eyes, losing herself in his grip, his movements.

Her anchor. Her rock.


Sal wraps an arm around his neck, digging her nails into his sculpted shoulder. “Faster,” she whispers.

With a primal groan, Luke thrusts, driving into her.

Soft moonlight spills through the kitchen window.

The table rocks with the weight of their bodies but holds steady.

Sal pants in his ear. Luke grips the table edge, so strong it’s a wonder he doesn’t pick the table up and them right along with it. Her body flushes with warmth as Sal feels that familiar lick of fire travel from her toes up her spine. A release. A bright, brilliant bonfire building behind her eyes and down below.

“Yes, yes,” Sal gasps. “Together. Together, Luke.”

He nods, his face buried in her hair. His breath shaking out in a desperate pant as he plows harder, thrusts deeper.

Sal’s body’s a rocket, shooting up to the stars, to sparkling light. To something greater than herself. To her and Luke. Her road.

A roar rips forth from Luke’s mouth. He shudders as he spills into her, Sal’s own satisfied cry echoing in the darkened kitchen.

Sighing, Sal threads her fingers through Luke’s dark hair. Luke remains as he is, buried in her, his eyes closed, his breathing steady and content. He kisses her temple, his next words a desperate plea. Hoarse with infinite promise. “I love you, Sal. So damn much.”

Sal closes her eyes. “I love you too,” she whispers.

Luke straightens up, chuckling as he evaluates the war-torn kitchen. He eyes his wife. The gorgeous cause of it all.

Christ, he wanted her so damn bad.He walked in that kitchen, intent on surprising her with food and flowers, and instead found himself rock-hard when he found Sal’s teasing eyes bidding him to come closer. Looking so damn sexy in her uniform. So powerful and take charge. He could’ve torn this fucking house apart with his bare hands to get to her.

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