Page 24 of Love You Always

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He tries to move toward her but can’t. He’s held tight by a seat belt strapped across his waist. He fights to unbuckle it.

He watches in horror as, from behind Sal, a meaty arm wraps around her stomach. Claiming. Taunting.

“No!” Luke strains against his bindings. His heart threatens to beat itself out of his chest.

A rasp comes from Roy’s mouth. “I’ll take her again.”

Sal closes her eyes, leaning back against Roy. “Luke.” Her words are stricken, fading. She’s fading. Her body getting faint, dissipating into a mist.

He opens his mouth to yell, to shout her name, but she’s gone. He blinks and Sal’s gone. But he can hear her. Her heartbeat, her scream in his ears, her hands reaching for—

Luke wakes in a cold sweat, jolting up in bed with a gasp. He wrenches left, immediately seeking out Sal. The ache in his gut uncoils as his eyes land on his wife. He lets out a breath of relief at the sight of her sleeping easy beside him, curled up against him in a loose ball.

Luke closes his eyes, willing his heartbeat to come down. His breath to even out. Sal’s here. Beside him. Her chest rising and falling evenly. Looking like a damn goddess in her white nightgown, her dark hair unbound around her. So why can’t he shake the thought that something’s wrong?

He exhales, shaky. These goddamn nightmares.

He had thought that after Sal returned, after he got back into his music, the dreams of her and the plane crash would go away. But they only morphed into something different. Something darker. Roy. Taking Sal. He can’t help but clench a fist at the thought. That motherfucker.

Luke buries his face in his hands. “Fuck.”

A rustle of movement beside him.

Beside him, Sal’s opening her eyes, pushing herself up on an elbow. On alert, as if she’s been waiting to comfort him. “Luke?”

“It’s okay, darlin’,” he says softly, hating himself that he woke her. She’s got an early shift and needs her sleep.

She frowns. “No. It’s not okay.” She eases herself up in bed and scoots close. She touches his cheek, moving his face toward hers. Her eyes are searching, sorrowful. “Another nightmare?”

“Yeah. But don’t worry about it.” He leans in and kisses the curve of her shoulder. “You got work tomorrow. I’m sorry I woke you. Go back to bed.”

Her full lips thin out, that adorable look on her face she gets when she’s frustrated with him. She brushes a lock of hair from his head. “Don’t ever be sorry about that, Luke.” She makes a face, her green eyes shining with understanding. “Was it very bad?”

He gives her a grin. “Ain’t nothin’ I can’t handle.”

She takes one look at his face and shakes her head. “Liar.”

He pulls her against him. Sal lets out a sweet sigh as she nestles into his arms, and together they lie back against the pillows. Tucking Sal’s small frame against his side, Luke closes his eyes in relief. Reminds himself the news from the doctor was positive.

She’s healthy. She’s fine.


With him.

His gaze drifts to Sal. Her sleepy eyes stare back at him, her expression content, serene. Drop-dead gorgeous. “I love you, darlin’,” he says, brushing his lips against her temple.

Her lips part, her smile like a light in the dark. “I love you always, Luke Kincaid.”

Luke pulls her in tighter. Love. It’s always been love with Sal and nothing else. Nothing better. All he needs.

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