Page 37 of Fourth Down Fumble

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Fuck no.

Cornell’s head snapped back. “I’m not leaving.”

With a gentle sigh, John placed a hand on his shoulder. “Ali’s going to be asleep. Bobbi will be with her. They won’t let more than one person stay in the room.”

I’ll sleep on the goddamn floor in the hallway then, Cornell thought, panicked. He couldn’t bear the thought of Ali opening her eyes and not finding him there.

“Cornell, help me!”

“She’s going to need you… ” John’s voice cracked before he cleared it, and he squeezed Cornell. “Ali’s going to need you a lot more tomorrow and after. You’ve got to go home and rest. Are you okay to drive?”

Rest? You want me to rest? Go back to the home I share—I made—with Ali, brush my teeth, and climb into bed? I can’t even be more than three feet from her without feeling like I want to die.

“Cornell? Can you drive?”

And then Cornell remembered his father had driven him to the hospital hours ago. He pulled out his phone to check it, but no notifications appeared on the screen.

“Cornell?” John asked again.

“I’m fine,” he spat out rudely, immediately feeling guilty. There was just so much guilt seeping out of him. “I’m sorry,” he said to John. “I just don’t—”

“I know. But I promise you, she’ll sleep tonight. Her body needs it. And so do you. Go home. Come back in the morning and bring her some clothes, whatever she needs from home.”

Clothes. She’ll need clothes. I can do that.

“Okay. I can do that.”

“Good,” John said. “Drive carefully, alright? I’m going to finish up some paperwork here, then go home for a few hours.”

Cornell nodded before slipping back into Ali’s room quietly, returning to her side. “I’m going to go home and walk Mowgli, okay?” he whispered. “I’ll be back soon. Your mom is here.” Cornell struggled, wanting to lean over and kiss her goodbye. But he would have to break that rule for the night.

His hand returned to Ali’s arm, softly stroking it. “I love you. I’ll be back soon.”

Turning quickly on his feet, Cornell strode out the door, afraid if he lingered any longer, he wouldn’t be able to leave. The hallway felt impossibly long even though he could see the lobby just feet in front of him. But Cornell was measuring everything not in feet or yards—only distance from Ali.


Peter stood from a chair in the empty alcove waiting room, clutching a cup of coffee.

“You’re still here?”

“Of course,” his father said, “I didn’t want… I didn’t want to intrude. How is she?”

Cornell stared blankly at his father. He didn’t have an answer to give him. “I have to come back in the morning. Her mom is with her. Can you drive me home?”

He didn’t tell John he wasn’t okay to drive. I’m not okay at all.

The silence was heavy between them in the car. “Is she alright?” Peter asked.

Cornell shook his head, and the silence continued the twenty minutes back to Hopperville. Mowgli was waiting, sleeping at the front door when Cornell opened it, and he felt more guilt for not acknowledging the dog. He merely walked across the house to the door leading out to the patio. “Out, boy,” he said, flipping on a light to the backyard.

Peter shut the front door quietly, locking it behind him. “I’ll stay here with you tonight if that’s okay.”

“The bed is made in the guest room.”

“Cornell?” his father asked, tired blue eyes holding his. “What happened?”

“She hit a pole,” Cornell told him, getting a glass of water. His voice shook. “Her head, she must’ve hit her head pretty bad.” Even if he wanted to, Cornell couldn’t recount the details—the fear in Ali’s voice, the confusion on her face when his eyes locked on hers. “What time is your flight tomorrow?”

Peter reached down, giving Mowgli an ear scratch. “I, well, I canceled it. I thought maybe I’d stick around for a few days. I’ll stay out of your hair, but you know, in case you need anything.”

Cornell shook his head. “You don’t have to do that.”

“I know,” Peter said softly. “I want to.”

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