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My pussy throbbed and my clit pulsed with desire and I squeezed my thighs together to try to alleviate my arousal, but nothing worked. Every time Ethan smacked my ass, my pussy clenched with pleasure. Pain and desire morphed into one confusing mixture of sensation that left me breathless and wanting for more.

“She’s much wetter than before, Ethan,” Alaric said thoughtfully, and I cried out in shame.

“Her slick is pooling on the floor beneath her. She’s leaving a wet spot on your pants,” Viktor replied rather matter-of-factly and I felt my face flush hotly in response.

The two of them were right. Even now, I could feel liquid heat gathering between my legs, making my skin slick with it and permeating the air with the sweet fruity scent of my arousal. What made it worse was that I could smell theirs too. It was more potent than before, much stronger and far more enticing.

I was burning with fever. My heat was encroaching faster than I ever thought possible. I’d be fully in the thick of it in less than an hour. I was sure of it.

Ethan stopped spanking me and dipped his fingers in between my thighs, his touch sliding along my rampant wetness with embarrassing ease. I whined softly with my shame, grateful for my thick curtain of hair that hid my face from them.

Almost as though he read my mind, Ethan threaded his fingers through my long silver locks and quickly jerked my head up, revealing my blushing cheeks to the others’ view.

“Don’t,” I breathed. He chuckled quietly and I moaned with pleasure as he circled my clit with his fingers. He pressed down gently, his touch torturing me, just light enough to tease but not hard enough to pleasure.

“I think it’s time to give Alaric a chance to redden your delightful little bottom, don’t you think, omega?” he asked, while increasing the pressure of his touch on my needy bud. I could do nothing but moan in response.

With one hand pulling my hair and the other lifting me by the waist, he helped me up to my feet. My ass was hot and achy, just like my pussy. My legs felt like jelly and when I lifted my head to find Alaric staring at me hungrily, I found it to be even more difficult to stand. Ethan held my shoulders, steadying me before them. Secretly, I was grateful for it.

“Turn her around, Ethan. Show us your handiwork,” Alaric dared him darkly and I narrowed my eyes in his direction. Just as I was rolling my upper lip at him, Ethan quickly spun me around and forced me to display my achy red backside to the two other alphas. His hands drifted from my shoulders, down my back and settled on the upper curves of my buttocks as he held me close, pressing my breasts against his bared chest.

My nipples hardened at his touch. His fingers dipped lower, squeezing my punished flesh and I cried out in response, his firm grasp igniting the pain from his punishment.

“Fucking gorgeous,” Viktor purred, and my body responded with a boiling, feverish heat. He purred once more and I moaned as slick poured down my leg, droplets echoing as they slapped onto the wooden floor beneath me.

I trembled, feeling incredibly ashamed before the three of them.

“Come here, little omega,” Alaric whispered, softening his tone with intermittent purrs that left me feeling hot and needy. Ethan released me and I slowly turned back toward Viktor and Alaric.

Viktor had his hands resting on a thick leather belt around his waist. I snapped my eyes away from it and sluggishly walked toward Alaric. He swept forward, gathering me in his arms and sat down in the chair. I curled up in his lap, my sore backside pressing against the rough material of his pants. I hissed and he shushed me with a harsh pinch to the right cheek of my ass.

I snarled quietly in response.

“It appears Ethan didn’t leave enough of an impression then, did he, omega?” Alaric mused, his tone dangerously excited. I twisted in his grasp, but he quickly upended me and forced me face down over both of his thighs. I could feel his cock pressing into my belly, hard as iron and I shifted uncomfortably. My pussy tightened with desire and I tried to remember myself, tried to keep strong amongst these enticing men, but my arousal was making it difficult. I felt like I was drowning in it.

Alaric palmed my ass, smoothing his rough, well-worked hands over my already scorched flesh.

“Perfection. Fucking omega perfection,” he whispered softly and the omega within me preened with hesitant delight. It felt good to be adored, to be told that they liked what they saw. My nipples scraped against the fabric of his slacks and I sucked in a breath.

Damn. This was intense. I hadn’t realized just how strong my natural instincts would be this far into estrous. I had thought I could fight it. I had thought I was too strong, too independent to bow before an alpha, but here I was. Naked and spanked by three of them.

“It’s been too long since I’ve had a naked female over my thighs. This ass is just begging to be spanked,” he added next and I shivered over his lap.

I breathed in a shaky breath. With each passing minute, I was losing myself more and more. My omega was slowly taking over, changing who I was fundamentally, and I knew after this was all over that I would never be the same.

Alaric squeezed my ass once, then twice as I whimpered quietly over his knees.

“If you try to kick me or wriggle your way off my lap, I’ll spank your thighs. And when I do, I’m going to enjoy every second of it,” he warned, and I stilled. I bit my lip as he squeezed my backside once more, his touch igniting a deep throbbing pain that shot straight to my clit. One hand cupped my hip then, pressing down and pinning me over top of his thighs.

His other hand smacked down on my left cheek and the air rushed out of my lungs in a single gasp. Ethan had spanked me hard, but Alaric’s palm was slightly larger and quite a bit harsher. The span of his hand easily covered one side of my ass. He spanked me faster, harder, and I was quickly lost to his firm dominance.

The sounds of my cries echoed loudly, and I couldn’t help it as my hips tried to twist and turn to escape his unforgiving blows. His warning quickly forgotten, my toes pounded on the floor and I tried to use my hands to push off his lap.

He growled and my core cramped hard, just before his palm cracked against my right thigh. Exquisite agony exploded over my flesh and I cried out, just as he spanked the opposite side. The terrible sting was that much more intense. He attacked my thighs with a fervor that left me breathless and on the edge of tears, but then he paused, rubbing his palm soothingly along my scalded flesh.

Gradually, he brought me back from the brink of a total loss of control. His fingers traced along my skin, swirling back and forth and capturing my complete attention. He ventured up and down my thighs, then my ass and even up and down my spine. His touch was peaceful and calming, lulling me into false sense of security even as my ass and thighs burned from his harsh punishment.

“A good spanking seems to make our little omega more submissive,” he observed, and I sputtered in surprise. I clenched my legs together and Viktor chuckled.

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