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“Gods, she fucking smells delicious,” Alaric said, his voice unsteady with his own desire.

“Her legs are soaked with her slick. I just want to fuck her pretty little cunt,” Viktor replied, cocking his head to the side as he breathed heavily through his nose. I shivered and bit my lip, feeling my pussy clench as a droplet of slick slid down my inner thigh to the floor.

“Control yourselves, men. This omega needs to learn what it means to submit to her alphas. The three of us are going to teach her the true meaning of dominance,” Ethan demanded. I stared up into his eyes, trying to control the nervous twinge of desire deep in my belly. What was he going to do to me?

Ethan began to unbutton his shirt, shrugging it off his shoulders and revealing a toned, muscled physique beneath it. His body was hard, incredibly chiseled, and strong. Despite everything inside my mind telling me that I shouldn’t want him, my body vehemently disagreed. For a moment, I wondered what it would feel like to have his thick alpha cock sliding in between my legs, his knot nestling deep inside my pelvis, and an unintelligible sound escaped my throat. With a quick shake of my shoulders, I pushed such sordid thoughts far away and tried to focus on keeping a level head instead.

He took his shirt and tossed it aside on the table. He cracked his knuckles, stretched his neck from side to side, and stared me down as he did so. The anxious twinge within me grew undoubtedly bigger and I tried to draw in a deep breath, but my chest felt constrained. Constricted even. The air in the room felt thin and too hot. I drew the bamboo sheet closer around my shoulders even though it likely would provide no protection whatsoever from these alpha brutes once they decided to act.

Viktor and Alaric followed suit, quickly disrobing and revealing hard chests beneath their clothes. I was momentarily distracted by Alaric’s tattoos. Intricate tribal designs spread across his chest, covered his right arm, and swirled down all the way to his wrist. Mostly dark gray, there were splashes of color that depicted various beasts of the wilds, one being a wolf and the other a dragon. Viktor also had a few tattoos, only his were simpler, a series of black lines and dots that looked like a maze that adorned both of his shoulders and down over top of his chest.

The three of them stood together, shirtless. My mouth dry, I stared back at them and swallowed heavily. My tongue felt like a ball of cotton in my throat and then Ethan growled once more. I cried out, the ball of pleasure in my belly folding in on itself and expanding in a fraction of a second following his terrible sound.

“Stand up, omega,” Ethan demanded, and I stared up at him, incredibly frustrated and annoyed at the fresh waves of slick that were pouring down my legs. That was his fault, he’d done that. I rolled my upper lip and returned his growl, snarling as furiously as I could.

The three of them stilled, staring back at me with disbelief.

“This whole thing may be new to you, Nikki, but it is never acceptable for an omega to challenge an alpha in such a manner,” Viktor scolded, his lips lifting in a dangerous sneer.

“Maybe we need to deal with her as we would an omega in the wilds,” Alaric suggested, his mouth curling up in a vicious smirk.

“What are you talking about?” I asked, trying not to bite the inside of my cheek as I waited anxiously for one of them to answer. My eyes flitted around the room, finally landing on an object I could use to fight back against them.

It was my tranquilizer dart gun. I’d put it behind my desk, leaning it against the wall last night. It was about three feet from me, and I scooted toward it, bit by bit. The men watched me with a sort of amusement and even chuckled when they saw me reach for it.

When I eventually closed my fingers around its hilt, I snatched it up and held it close to my chest, aiming it in their general direction.

“Don’t come any closer,” I warned, and Ethan laughed softly in response. He simply growled again, the sound causing my belly to cramp with arousal once more. My thighs quivered with need and I moaned quietly as my pussy spasmed with desire.

I lifted the gun and tried to pull the trigger, aiming to hit Ethan in the throat, but the dart flew wildly off in the wrong direction and simply embedded into a wall instead of any of them. The three alphas exchanged a heated look and rushed toward me then. Reacting as quickly as I could, I got off a few more shots but none of them hit any of them. Ethan approached me quickly, gripping my wrist in his fingers, wrenching it backwards and forcing me to drop the gun. The sound of it clattering to the floor was deafening. Viktor’s hand circled around the back of my neck, balling into a fist at the base of my scalp and pulling my hair at the same time.

His grip tightened as he slowly made me climb to my feet.

Alaric gripped the sheet and quickly whipped it away from my body, baring me in a single smooth motion that left me gasping in shame. I moved to cover myself, using my free forearm to cover my breasts. My thighs pressed together, trying to hide the wetness that was dripping down my legs.

“You’re brave. I’ll give you that,” Viktor said.

“None of your training will have prepared you for what is to come, little omega. None of your bravery or skills will matter. You’re going into heat, right in the midst of three alphas. You’re going to get fucked. Hard,” Ethan whispered, his voice hot and breathy in my ear.

“You know what makes me hard, boys?” Alaric offered, his smirk growing by the second. His gaze grew dark, seductive, and dangerous.

Viktor raised an eyebrow, waiting for him to finish.

“I like it when my woman’s bottom is bright red and very sore when I fuck her,” he answered finally, his gaze trailing up and down my body suggestively. Viktor’s fist tightened in my hair, forcing my chin up higher and I hummed quietly at the sudden burning pain. My mouth opened in the shape of an o, and then something strange happened.

The pain twisted into something else. Something different.

Intense agony distorted into pleasure, making my body throb with an even greater need than before. My skin felt feverish and entirely too sensitive. Ethan finally released my wrist and I tried to cover my pussy, spreading my fingers out but just that simple touch was enough to make me cry out. In pleasure or pain, I didn’t know.

“What do you say, gentlemen? Want to show the omega how it’s done in the wilds?” Alaric goaded and Viktor chuckled, his eyes catching mine and then venturing down to gaze at my sodden thighs.

“That does indeed sound satisfying,” Ethan replied thoughtfully. “The mark of my palm on her pale little bottom is an arousing thought indeed.”

He gazed at me darkly for a moment, then pulled out a single chair. He sat down, leaning backwards and waited.

“I’ll start,” he grinned dangerously.

Viktor pulled me away from the comfort of my nest by my hair, his grip strong and sure, but that didn’t stop me from fighting back. I tried to twist and turn out of his grasp, but his hold was solid. I tried to backpedal, to pull his fingers from my hair and I even tried to knee him between the legs, but he was prepared for it all.

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