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The pool of arousal in my core grew fiercer and more intense.

Alix was a classically trained soldier. I knew his background; he’d worked as a border soldier just outside the walls, he’d been taught the ways of combat, but I worried that he wasn’t quite prepared for the level of viciousness that these two men would bring to the fight. My lower belly vibrated with pain, warning me that soon I’d be entering into another heat spell. My time was growing short. Soon, I’d be begging anyone to fuck me, just to stop the throes of estrous from driving me insane.

The sound of flesh meeting flesh echoed in the clearing. Alix held his hands close to his face, using his forearms to block a wild swing from Wolfe. Ivan dropped down, using his fingers for balance and twisted hard, using his leg to swipe across the ground. His move caught Alix off guard, and he fell to the ground. Alix’s back slammed into the dirt and almost at once, Ivan descended onto him. I whimpered. The link between us rumbled and I could sense Alix’s anger at being challenged by these two men. I could also feel his fear for what would happen to me if he lost.

I should be more afraid, but for some reason I couldn’t bring myself to be. I took another step, some invisible string pulling me toward them.

Thankfully, Alix threw Ivan off of him and kicked his feet up, using his momentum to lift his body so that he twisted and landed back on his feet in a low crouch. The two brothers backed off for a moment, reevaluating their next move before rushing forward once more.

Wolfe and Ivan fought with a ferocity like I’d never seen before. Their movements were feral, reminiscent of wild animals and that terrified me, but I was even more horrified to realize that it was starting to turn me on. They fought dirty, unafraid to attack with a knee to the groin or a punch to the kidneys. Alix blocked most of them, but a few connected and his grunts of pain ripped from his lips and tore me apart.

My belly cramped harder and a trickle of slick dripped down my thigh. Dear spirits. I didn’t think I was going to hold onto my sanity for much longer. Waves of desires rolled over my flesh and my heart beat in my chest. Feverish heat simmered underneath my skin and I whimpered low in my throat. I closed my eyes and felt my body waver on my feet. Shaky, I opened my eyes once more and turned back to the fight.

Alix swooped low, squatting and bursting up with impressive speed, landing a kick square in the middle of Ivan’s chest. He flew backwards but landed on his feet with catlike reflexes a few feet back. Wolfe reached back and offered him an arm. Ivan took it and hurtled forward, crawling and gnashing his teeth in Alix’s direction. In that moment, he reminded me of a beast and my insides twisted with arousal and desire.

They brawled and despite the odds stacked against him, Alix continued to hold his own even though it was two on one. Dirt rose up in clouds beneath them as they fought, limbs flying and connecting with flesh, the sound sickening and loud.

Wolfe cracked his neck and wiped a drop of blood from his lip. He stretched his fingers, red and bloodied knuckles showing the products of the fight’s viciousness. He rushed at Alix, but then Alix twisted and caught Wolfe in the face with a nasty elbow jab.

Ivan roared in anger and sprinted into the fray.

The ball of pleasure at my core began to boil. More slick dripped down my leg and my thighs trembled under its intensity. Unintentionally, I sniffed the air and the aroma of three alphas fighting to claim me was almost too much to handle. Their bodies glistened with delicious sweat and my belly cramped hard, struggling against the arousal building within me. I had to end this fight and I had to do it soon.

“Please,” I begged. “Stop.”

None of them bothered to turn my way. Leaning back against a nearby tree trunk, I curled my fingers around my waist, trying to push down and alleviate the ache deep inside me, but with little luck. The pain was so strong, so intense that soon my breaths became short little pants.

Wolfe twisted, grabbing a nearby tree branch off the ground and the breeze brought his scent to my nose. I breathed in deeply, aromas of smokiness, salt, and pine needles a heady mixture that left me wanting more. His brother smelled much the same, except with an extra hint of lemon. Licking my lips, I breathed in deeply and my fingernails scratched at my heated flesh, aching to set my arousal free.

I groaned, more slick leaking from my body. A wild thought passed my mind. What if I could have them all? What if I didn’t have to choose? Maybe what I really needed was three alpha cocks inside me to break my heat. My body shivered with need.

I wondered if this was normal. The omega in my lab never needed more than her alpha, but she’d never had access to more than one at the same time. Not like me. Maybe I was special or my estrous was all the more powerful, I didn’t know.

I moaned with my shame and my inner walls fluttered with enthusiasm.

Wolfe swung the branch forward, using it as a weapon and Alix used his forearms to block the blow, but his cry of pain wounded me. I wanted it all to stop. Really, I needed to be fucked. Hard. Maybe by all of them. Whatever would calm the raging desire racing through my veins, no matter what it was.

“Wait. Don’t fight,” I murmured, trying to catch their attention. Wolfe’s eyes caught mine and his pupils dilated. “Alix. Please,” I pleaded. More liquid heat gathered between my legs and I trembled before them. A sudden rush of slick poured down my legs and I saw them sniff the air, stilling when the smell of my fluids reached them.

The men paused and turned toward me, each of them with a sizable bulge that left me panting for all three of them. It was now or never. Either these three men were going to alleviate my heat or not. It was worth a shot. My fingers holding the sheet loosened and slowly, I dropped it to the ground. The ravenous snarls of three alphas echoed around me and my body felt the lustful effects of their power.

“Take me together. All three of you,” I whispered, my voice incredibly hoarse with arousal. The thoughts of three alphas knotting me together made my body tighten with need and slick oozed from between my legs. I was so wet for them.

Ivan’s words spoke to me. He’d thought that my bond with Alix was incomplete, that I needed more than one alpha to satiate me. Maybe he was right. Maybe it was fate that the four of us had happened upon each other here in the wilds.

Wolfe stared at me, an odd sort of respect in his eyes. Ivan stood behind him, his shoulders pulled back, supremely confident in his stance. Alix’s jaw clenched as he looked toward the brothers, but then I cried out in painful lust.

“This is what you want?” he asked softly, his voice laced with concern. He looked warily over at the brothers and used the back of his hand to wipe blood off of his lip. All three of them had held their own, strong powerful examples of true alpha men.

I wanted them all.

In a lust-filled haze, I walked back into the den, pushing the evergreen branch aside and wiggled my ass in their direction. Wolfe gave an appreciative purr and my muscles fell lax, responding instantly to his dominating nature. My veins reverberated with obedience, wanting to submit to his desires, at least for now.

Had I been in my right mind, I would have been ashamed of needing such torrid and shameful acts, but right now, it didn’t matter. I was an omega in heat, and I needed the help of these three alphas to help quell my instinctual urges.

Returning to my nest, I rearranged a few blankets and pillows, until it was absolutely perfect. It was wet and sticky, smelling of Alix’s and my time together, but it comforted me all the same. The only thing it could use was Ivan’s and Wolfe’s scent too.

The first one to enter into my space was Alix. His expression was one of concern.

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