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“Alix! Please,” I begged, but he didn’t answer. He just continued to punish me, forcing me to take every bit of his discipline. Tears gathered in my eyes and I began to feel well and truly chastised.

The next few smacks were particularly harsh, and I began to cry. My whimpers felt plaintive, like those of a small, very well-disciplined omega. My backside felt the brand of his palm, over and over again, leaving no spot unpunished. I didn’t know how much more I could take, and I sobbed. My tears trailed down my cheeks, and still he didn’t stop. I had earned his ire and his punishment, and he wouldn’t end it until he decided I had learned my lesson.

I kicked, feeling the soaking wetness between my legs, and I stilled just as his hand cracked against the lower curve of my ass cheek, catching the top of my thigh. I wailed at the sudden agony and cried all the harder.

Did I like it when it hurt? Did I need the pain in order to find pleasure? Was that what it meant to truly be an omega?

I remembered the screams of the silver-haired omega behind thick glass, how I had been unsure if she was feeling agony or pleasure. I’d watched how her alpha had forced her over his bed once and punished her with a leather strap. I’d felt a little tingle of desire then, but it had quickly passed under the power of the suppressant. The omega woman had worn the welts of that discipline for days and every time she touched them, the two of them would smile at each other, almost like they were proud of the punishing marks.

Alix stopped spanking me for a moment, choosing to run a single thick finger over the wetness on the folds of my pussy. My sensitive flesh jolted with sensation and I cried out in shock, unsure if I had enjoyed it or not. He chuckled and I felt a heavy flush of embarrassment come over me. His finger slipped along rampant wetness, finding my disobedient flesh soaked with slick. That digit stilled over top of my clit and it throbbed heavily under his touch, almost like my body was calling for him to claim me as his.

I shook my head. No. I wasn’t ready.

He purred and it reverberated through every nerve within me. It felt like a single lightning bolt of pleasure ravaging my system and I shuddered, feeling the power in that single sound. At once, my limbs felt like jelly and I yearned to feel his acceptance and approval.

Then he did it once more.

It was as though the sound hypnotized me, amplifying my pleasure even further and twisting the agony of my punishment into more devastating arousal that threatened to destroy everything I held dear.

His digit circled and pressed down on my clit, making my body shudder reluctantly with powerful desire.

“Don’t,” I pleaded, and he growled, the sound sobering and menacing. I trembled in response. I liked his purr much more.

He renewed his efforts between my legs, torturing and teasing me as he played with my clit. His grip still pinned me to his lap and the burning, stinging sensation of the spanking played at my senses. I imagined myself, naked over his thighs, my ass red from punishment, and I quivered with arousal.

Did that image turn me on? Had I enjoyed being punished in such a shameful manner?

The wetness between my thighs told me I had.

His fingers playing among my folds were relentless, dragging out my reluctant pleasure bit by bit until I was mindless with it. Soon, I was splaying my legs wide, begging him to touch me harder, to allow me release, but he didn’t listen.

Instead, he just continued to torture me, and the slickness pooled beneath me, gushing forward like a veritable river between my thighs as he prolonged my punishment, teaching me that if I refused to yield to him, he’d not only hurt me but refuse me pleasure too.

I moaned forlornly, my inner walls fluttering with arousal so strong that I was powerless against it. A rush of slick escaped from me and I wailed with shame.

I wanted this. I wanted him to mate me, for him to force his cock between my legs, for him to breed me and use me like the omega I was. I sniffed the air and the only thing that assaulted my senses was his scent. His aroma was intoxicating, and I breathed in one deep breath after another. I couldn’t get enough.


The ball of pleasure deep in my belly boiled over and I felt the temperature of my skin rising. My entire body heated, making me yearn to feel his massive alpha cock deep between my thighs. Even my hips began to move of their own accord, lifting and spreading for him, begging for more of his touch. My breath escaped my lips in hot little pants.

I was finally going into heat, forced into my very first estrous by the presence of a very ready alpha male.

I keened, the sound desperate and wanting even to my own ears. It reminded me of an animal. I closed my eyes, arching my back to give him even greater access to the place in between my thighs.

“There’s a good little omega,” he purred, and I trembled with desire.

“Please,” I begged, no longer knowing what I was pleading for. My body wanted him to take me hard and I knew in that moment that I also wanted it to hurt. My pussy convulsed with anticipation, hoping to feel his thick length deep inside me soon enough.

My body demanded it, yet my mind was slow to concede.

I whimpered, but then he purred once more and the reluctance in my head slowly faded away. My pussy clenched with ready arousal and I opened my lips, desperate to draw in air. I felt so hot and needy and I ached for the chance to jump into a cool bath to soothe myself.

My core clenched hard, demanding release, and I moaned softly at the pain.

His strong grip released me, and I rolled to the ground as I gulped in one full breath after another. He sighed softly and knelt beside me.

“Omega, don’t you yearn for your nest?” he asked, and at once I did. This place wasn’t right. We couldn’t mate here. Suddenly, I was desperate to return to our den and my lower lip began to shake. He stared at me with his black eyes, some semblance of understanding buried within their depths.

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