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He’d dipped his fingers between my thighs and forced one sweet orgasm from my body that had left me quivering. He’d circled my clit firmly, forcing me to come hard and fast for him. My legs tensed around his hand as I started to rock back and forth, crying out as I came for him.

It felt so good that I was almost sad when his hand drew away.

“Good girl. I’m looking forward to seeing you this evening for your punishment, my naughty little omega,” he purred.

“Yes, Alpha,” I shivered, both nervous and excited at the same time.

He’d left the room and my clit still pulsed for his touch.

It had taken me a fair amount of time to push myself out of bed. I laid there for a long time wanting to slip my own fingers between my thighs, but I’d already stolen enough pleasure. I wondered how much this evening was going to hurt. I wondered how much harder I was going to come for him.

Finally, I climbed out of the warm mass of blankets and poured myself a cup of coffee. I moaned at the delicious flavors enveloping my tongue and watched the city down below from his window.

I took a long bath and dressed in one of my favorite light blue wrap dresses. I waited until my hair had dried before I braided it in a partial up-do. I even rubbed a few expensive oils into my bare skin to soften it in preparation for his touch later on. When I was ready, I left my room and made my way down to the kitchens in search of a freshly made breakfast.

I never made it there.

The moment I stepped out of the king’s chambers, a black hood slipped over my head. I was vaguely aware of the sweet scent of flowers before my eyes rolled back and I knew no more.

Chapter 13


I woke up in a haze. For several long seconds, it took all of my focus to just draw air in and out of my lungs. My ribs ached and breathing was difficult. Feeling bleary and incredibly out of sorts, I finally opened my eyes. My muscles were sore, and my arms hurt. I couldn’t move them either. It felt like forever as I tried to figure out why.

My wrists were in chains far out at my sides. When I relaxed, the metal cuffs bit into my skin and I forced myself up on my tiptoes to relieve them, I soon realized that I wouldn’t be able to keep that up for too long either. My calves were already protesting the exertion and it didn’t take too much more time before I had to give in and relax enough to take the pressure off of them, which only made the metal pinch into my wrists once more.

I groaned, feeling the cruel ache of my stiff muscles. I knew it would hurt even more when or even if I was ever released from them. The blood would return to my limbs and fingers and I knew it would be excruciating. I shivered, feeling a gentle breeze carry throughout the room.

Where the fuck was I?

I lifted my head and as the gradual fog that plagued my mind started to fade, I was able to comprehend that I was in a circular shaped room. All around me were stone walls, but there was a window up high enough so that I could see that I was several stories up. The blue of the sky peeked in enough to light up a sunbeam on the floor. Seeing it offered me a small sense of relief that I held onto as tightly as I could. At least I wasn’t hidden somewhere far underground.

Small victories, I suppose.

I sighed.

The walls were made of the same stone as the rest of the castle, so I was likely somewhere within the upper towers. I wondered if we were in the abandoned wing of the castle. I’d only visited it once through the hidden passageways, but I hadn’t stayed for very long because there was nothing here to find. It wasn’t regularly guarded, and I knew that no one else would come looking here to find me.

For an hour or two, I watched the beam of light travel across the floor before the sound of metal hinges desperately in need of a good oiling screeched somewhere not far away.

I held my breath, trying to listen in the ensuing silence for footsteps and soon enough, I could hear those too. My e

yes flashed to the old metal door that enclosed me in the room and I couldn’t shake a terrible sense of foreboding. It swung open and someone stepped inside.

The blood-red color of the hooded cape was the first thing that came into my view. The black mask covering his face gave no clue to his identity, but I could see the color of his eyes staring back at me. They were a light brown and when he took a step, I noticed something familiar about the way he walked. His ankle rolled just the slightest bit, but he caught himself. Like he was hiding a limp.

I’d seen that before.

As he moved closer, I took some more time to study the bareness of his hands, taking note of the scar on his right knuckle that spanned all the way to the bottom of his thumb. Something like that couldn’t be hidden. I could use it to identify him if I ever got out of here.

I’d store that information away for another time.

Behind him, two other Cultists entered. Upon further observation, I realized that it was the triad who had delivered me to Magnar in the first place. The one with two differently colored irises and then the other with dark green eyes glared back at me, both of them seeming as if it was tiresome to be here. I didn’t like seeing their aggravation. That didn’t bode well for me in my currently imprisoned state. The metal door closed behind them with a resounding bang. The sound of it nearly made my heart stop.

The Cult had me right where they wanted me.

Fuck. I had to stand my ground.

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