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My face flushed even more deeply.

“I heard. I walked by your chambers and I could hear how firm you were with her, Magnar. An omega like her needs an alpha like that,” Neegan replied. I wasn’t sure, but the way he answered raised the hair on the back of my neck. I didn’t like him one bit and I trusted him even less than that.

“I’ve punished my omega as I saw fit. The matter of her disappearance has been dealt with,” Magnar continued. He took my hand and helped me climb down off the chair. He took a pillow from a nearby chaise and placed it on the floor. He pointed to the pillow and I knelt down onto it. It was soft against my knees and I was thankful for his kindness.

He sat down next to me and I tentatively leaned against his leg. I touched him hesitantly at first and he didn’t stop me. In fact, he seemed to encourage it because his fingers petted the top of my head. He scratched my scalp with a certain tenderness, and I pressed back against him a bit more firmly. Hidden as I was by the table, no one else could see him touching me.

It was hard to kneel because my bottom and thighs were so sore, but I did anyway because that’s what I had to do. Magnar talked with his advisors about some of the things that had happened in the city over the week. They talked about Brogan’s death for a period of time, as well as the rumors that continued to spread around the city.

“Some are saying it was poison,” Neegan offered. I narrowed my eyes in his direction, watching as his foot tapped against the floor.

“It will do us no favors if that kind of gossip continues to spread. Do something about it,” Magnar growled.

“Yes, my king,” Neegan replied a bit too cheerily. His answer raised my suspicions.

The conversation turned more mundane after that. They discussed things of a financial nature for a long while, before they talked about the recruitment of more men to join the army. I did my best to listen to every detail, but the scent of Magnar surrounded me like a heavy cloud and my body wouldn’t stop responding to it.

Earlier, my slick had dripped down my thighs. Now there was enough of it beneath me to stain the cloth fabric of the pillow under my knees.

My nipples never relaxed. They stayed so hard that they hurt. I wanted to touch them, but I was almost afraid to. I pressed my palms against my thighs, trying my best to ignore the pulsing heat in my body, but it only grew stronger until I felt like I was boiling from the inside out.

I tried to focus on my breath, but that felt hot too, and it only got worse.

This was suffering of the highest magnitude.

I looked up at Magnar and I could see the tension rippling across his chest. Casually, he glanced down at me and met my eyes for a long moment before he cleared his throat.

He could sense something was different.

“I hate to cut this short, but I need to finish dealing with my omega. See to it that you take care of what we discussed,” he said, his voice stern.

He didn’t wait for his council to answer. He just reached down and lifted me straight off the floor. Tossing me over his shoulder, he strode purposely out of the room and returned the way we had come. He’d left too quickly for the council to even protest his exit.

With my bottom and wet pussy on complete display for everyone passing by to see, I couldn’t control my arousal. I was so wet that it hurt. Every nerve in my body felt overly sensitive, as if just a single caress would be enough to hurtle me straight into orgasm.

“The scent of your slick is entirely too distracting,” Magnar snarled and my core contracted painfully tight. He carried me all the way back to my chambers, where he deposited me on the bed. He stared at me for what felt like forever before he turned around and left, locking the door behind him without looking back. He left me all alone.

One hour passed and then another. My aroused misery continued to grow.

I began to grow desperate. I slipped my fingers in between my thighs and anxiously circled my clit. Within seconds, I was on the edge of orgasm and when I pressed even more firmly, I screamed with my release.

But it wasn’t enough.

I came again.

I made myself come again and again, but it only seemed to make things even worse. My skin grew hotter, my core tighter, and I wailed quietly with pain.

Finally, I withdrew my fingers and came to a terrifying conclusion.

This wasn’t just arousal nor was it just me being needy. I was going into heat. I was experiencing the beginnings of an omega’s estrous for the very first time.

Magnar’s presence near me had started it. The punishment over his knees had forced it to a head. His touch had been the catalyst. I knew that now.

I rushed to make myself get up. I gathered all the pillows in the room and piled them in the corner, rearranging them again and again until I was happy with the placement of each one. With a sob, I gathered every soft blanket that I could find and positioned them amongst the pillows too. It was soothing for me.

I knew what I was doing, but I couldn’t make myself stop. I was nesting. As an omega in the beginnings of her heat, I was simply following instinct. I didn’t stop until it felt perfect. It felt like it took hours, but in reality, it was probably only about thirty minutes.

I curled up in my nest and pressed my face into the softest pillow.

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