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“The first night we met, I spanked your bare little bottom, didn’t I, omega?” he asked.

“Bastard,” I scoffed.

“Answer me, omega,” he growled. His alpha was demanding my obedience and my omega cowered nervously before him.

“Yes, Alpha,” I finally managed to answer through gritted teeth.

“You also learned that I wouldn’t hesitate to spank your pretty little pussy bright pink that night too, didn’t you?” he pressed.

I hummed with as much false bravado as I could muster.

His fingers tightened on my nipple, pulling it toward him harshly once again. I cried out as he twisted it cruelly, punishing me with just those fingers until I said the words he wanted to hear.

“Yes, Alpha,” I whimpered.

“Tonight, you’re going to learn that your pretty breasts can be punished too,” he warned. His hand tightened around my wrists and he struck my right breast with his hand. The flats of his fingers caught my nipple, already sore and aching from being so thoroughly pinched and I cried out in shock.

Oh, gods. That hurt.

The tension between us imploded as he began to spank my breasts. Stinging pain radiated across my pale flesh as he punished them just as firmly as he spanked my bare backside that first time. I watched in horror and painful arousal as his fingers marked my skin. He would strike me, and the marks of his fingers would practically glow bright white at first, but then they’d turn pink. He didn’t stop when I cried out from his cruelty. Instead, he just ensured that he held me even more firmly in place so that he could spank my breasts as hard as he wished.

Before he was through, the entirety of each breast was bright pink and then he started to focus on my nipples alone. The flats of his fingers cracked hard against each sensitive bud, over and over until the only thing I felt was aching pain that continued to sting long after each stroke. My chest rose and fell as I struggled to take it.

Panicked cries began to escape my lips and just when I thought I couldn’t make it through another hard spank, he paused.

“Tell me, omega. Are you afraid of me now?”

My breasts burned hot. My sensitive nipples felt scalded and I sniffed back the whimpers that would tell him just how much it had hurt. When my chest was no longer rising and falling with my effort to regain control of myself, I took a deep breath and stared back up at him.

“No,” I whispered hoarsely, and his responding chuckle was the most chilling thing I’d ever heard in my life.

“I was hoping you would say that, omega. I’m going to enjoy what happens next and I’m especially going to enjoy what happens after that. I can promise you one thing though. It’s going to be painful for you,” he threatened, and my legs trembled both with fear and rampantly building arousal.

I came to the mortifying conclusion that I was wet and not just a little bit. I was soaking wet, so much so that the scent of my slick was heady even to me.

His fingers dove between my thighs, discovering my shameful secret for himself.

“You’ve never been properly handled by an alpha before, have you, omega?” he gloated.

“I can take care of myself,” I snarled.

He grinned and it made my stomach dance with anxious butterflies. I tried to be brave, but I was beginning to question just how long I’d be able to hold onto that.

He removed his fingers and held them up in front of me, showcasing the glistening slick that coated them. Casually, he wiped them off on my cheek and I blushed deeply with mortification. The feeling of wetness drying on my skin captured my attention completely and I panted breathlessly as the heat of embarrassment spread across my face.

“My little gift of an omega, you have no idea what you’re in for tonight and I’m going to enjoy every last moment as you realize how very far out of your depth you are with me,” he said firmly, and my body reacted almost violently to his words.

I don’t know why, but I continued to push him.

“Do your worst,” I dared him, and he growled so loudly that my core twisted hard in direct response. I cried out and a rush of slick dripped down my thighs. He growled a second time and even more poured from my body. Nothing I could do would make it stop.

“You’re an omega, Ariana. It is your nature to bow to me. It’s what you’re made for. With a growl, I can force your wetness from your body. With a purr, I can stoke your desire until you can hardly stand it. But tonight, you’re going to learn just how much an alpha’s hand can teach an omega how much she isn’t in charge,” he whispered. His voice was harsh and as he pressed against me, I realized that his cock was incredibly hard too.

That realization nearly undid me.

His fingers curled around my wrists and he jerked me toward the bed. He sat down and before I could pull away or try to run, he pulled me over his thighs. Quickly, he situated me so that one knee pressed in between my thighs. The position forcibly spread my legs, exposing every inch of my naked body to his view.

Earlier I hadn’t really thought about the fact that I was bare before him. I’d been too caught up trying to fight him and keep my pride intact. Now, however, I was exceedingly aware of the fact that he could see everything.

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