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The anticipation was almost worse than the act itself.


The first crack of the belt sounded like a firecracker. Then it began to burn like one. At first, it simmered and ached. After that, it exploded in a fiery pit of agony that consumed me. At the very edge of that cruel blow, there was something else though: pleasure, and it grew stronger with every passing moment.

The second one came not long after the first, but the harsh bite of pain was not sharp enough to outweigh the intense need within me. Agony and desire warred within me and even though it hurt to take the belt between my legs, I wanted to take it. I arched my back, presenting myself for him even as I trembled knowing what was to come.

The third and final stroke bit into my tender flesh hardest of all. I cried out, the high pitch giving away just how much it hurt. I writhed on the bed, utterly failing to keep myself up on my knees any longer and his arms wound around me. He pulled me to him and firmly pressed his finger between my thighs.

“Such a good girl. Would you like to come just once for me?” he asked.

“Yes, Alpha,” I wailed through my tears. His touch against my scalded skin burned just like the lash of the leather, but I wanted it anyway. He was ruthless as he circled my clit. He didn’t start slow, though I hadn’t expected him to. He pressed firmly on my clit and forced my pleasure forward with a certain roughness that I had come to adore.

Slick poured down my thighs and I trembled as my desire burst forth. My core fell in on itself and in a matter of moments, my orgasm was quaking for release. My pussy clenched down hard and I moaned as he held me tight.

Heated bliss tore through me, obliterating any rational thought in my mind. I screamed with my release as my thighs trembled for him. I came for my alpha and I came hard. My wetness was dripping down my legs, likely leaving a wet spot beneath me and on his pants as I pressed up against him. He forced me to take every last second of my release, and I loved it.

I didn’t want it to end, but when that first orgasm finally began to ebb away, he slowly lowered me down on my knees in front of him. He was gentle, but I knew that wasn’t going to last long.

“Thank you for the orgasm, Alpha,” I breathed, trying to quell the hammering of my heart but it was useless. I never could when I was around him.

“You’re going to thank me for it with that pretty mouth now, little omega,” he purred softly, and I moaned with need. My arousal pooled beneath me and I watched with unquenchable desire as he unbuttoned his pants and freed his cock. I licked my lips in anticipation as I waited to see all of him. I squirmed nervously, remembering just how sore it had made me that last time we were together, and my pussy clenched tightly at the thought.

Fuck. Just laying eyes on his cock made my body pulse with need.

His cock was just as thick and enormous as I remembered. I leaned forward, licking my lips as I stared at how very hard his cock was for me. Hesitantly, I opened my mouth and licked his entire length from the base to the tip and he rewarded me with a purr that made my core twist inward with insatiable need. I slowly surrounded the head with my lips and suckled him softly, teasing him with my warm wetness before I grew bolder and took him more deeply into my throat. He purred again, the sound more like a groan than anything else and my pussy fluttered with heat. It made me wet to hear his sounds of pleasure and I tried even harder to please him because of it.

His cock throbbed against my tongue. I could feel every pulse of his desire in my mouth and when his fingers caressed the side of my face, I pressed my cheek against him. I craved his touch and as he threaded his hands through my hair, I welcomed the moment when he took control from me for himself. I had known it was coming from the very start.

He thrust into my mouth hard. I struggled to take his length as he pushed past the barrier at the back of my throat and that didn’t stop him. It didn’t even make him pause, not even for a second. I gagged, but he didn’t care. Instead, he pistoned in and out of me with ever increasing intensity. It took an inordinate amount of effort for me to contain my automatic reflex and my eyes watered. He used my mouth as he pleased, and I took everything he gave me no matter how much I struggled. I swirled my tongue around his length and suckled his cock the best that I could. A few tears dripped down my cheeks and he groaned just as his fingers tightened and pulled my hair harder. I moaned around him, lost in the burning agony that had blossomed across the back of my scalp and the soreness in my throat.

He growled and the pain spread to my core as it cramped hard enough to force a rush of slick down my thighs. I cried out and he thrust even deeper, claiming every inch of my throat that he could. I whimpered, the sound shamefully muffled by his cock. The velvet softness of his skin against my tongue lulled me into a needy little omega and the longer he used my mouth, the more it hurt. It was also incredibly arousing at the same time.

I wasn’t ready fo

r the moment when his seed spurted against the back of my throat, but I did my best to swallow every last drop. Initially, I choked around his girth but with every hot burst of alpha cum that spread across my tongue, it became easier and I took it all down into my belly. His cock throbbed and I could feel each pulse against the warm wetness of my mouth. His thrusts slowed as I gradually cleaned him off. I made sure I didn’t miss a single drop of his delicious seed and he purred softly in appreciation.

He pulled free from my throat, using his hand to lift my chin. Very slowly, he dragged his thumb across my lower lip, catching a stray drop of his seed and he forced it in between my lips. I sucked his thumb hard, wanting to earn the privilege of riding his cock next. He grinned with dark pleasure and a shudder of feverish need raced down my spine.

“Up on your feet now, Luna. Sit down on the bed and spread your legs for me,” he instructed quietly. There was a dangerous undertone in his words, and I rushed to obey. My legs felt weak and I grabbed his wrist to help pull myself up. He saw my struggle and helped me to my feet, but he waited expectantly for my obedience after that.

I lowered myself to the bed onto my fingers to slow the rate of my descent, but it didn’t stop the gasp that escaped my lips as the welts on my bare backside from the fierce bite of the belt pressed against the soft surface. I bit my lower lip, trying to keep quiet. Vikar smirked back at me knowingly though. He knew my bottom was sore and he also knew that simple fact was making me soaking wet with arousal.

Hesitantly, I opened my legs to show him exactly that.

Casually, he unbuttoned his shirt and shrugged it off, keeping his eyes on the vision of me the entire time. He studied the wetness dripping along my thigh as he pushed his pants down his hips. His cock was hard again already and I couldn’t help it as my pussy tightened in anxious anticipation of what was to come. I wondered if he’d been able to see it.

His smirk widened and as he stood naked before me, I allowed myself to admire his chiseled arms, the hard lines of his torso, and the soft hair on his chest. I wanted to reach for him, but I didn’t dare move. Swallowing heavily, I trembled as he strode toward me and I dropped my eyes to revel in the sight of his cock. His fingers drifted between my thighs, gliding along my wetness and I shuddered with arousal.

“Were you looking at your alpha’s cock, little omega?” he asked, and I flushed with shame.

“Yes, Alpha,” I admitted, knowing that he expected nothing less.

His fingertips teased my clit, just applying enough pleasure to stoke the fires of my arousal even further and make my core pulse, but not enough to make me fly off into the clouds of exquisite bliss.

“Were you imagining my cock taking this tight little pussy, my naughty little omega?” he asked as he slipped a single finger inside me. I tightened around him and he smirked. My fists tightened on the bed and I arched toward him, wanting so much more. He held me in suspense, leaving me on the cusp and reminding me that he was in control.

“Yes, Alpha,” I answered.
