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A wail of pleasure escaped my lips as I shuddered over his thighs. My entire body tightened and shook hard as he rubbed my clit roughly enough to shatter me completely. My pussy spasmed and I keened, feeling my nipples pebble into tight little peaks that ached to be touched. Almost as if he could reach my thoughts, the hand holding my hips ventured around me to pinch tightly at my left nipple. I cried out and he forced another savage climax from my body that left me feeling as if I was soaring.

And then he took me higher.

Each orgasm ravaged me senseless, le

aving me screaming and trembling over his thighs. He never let up even when each one began to tear through me like a blade straight to my core. I didn’t even try to keep count of how many times he made me come for him. I would have lost count anyway. All I knew was that he made me orgasm a great many times and now it was beginning to hurt.

At first, each release was satisfying, chasing away the terrible pulse between my legs. Even when he forced one release after another, my body responded in a primal way that I had never experienced before in my life. It was addicting and thoroughly intoxicating. It left me breathless for more.

I orgasmed again.

My clit began to ache.

My muscles stiffened.

My bottom still stung from his punishing hand.

And still, he made me come for him again after that.

“Please,” I begged, unsure that I could take anymore. I was already satisfied. I didn’t need to orgasm anymore. He’d made his point.

“I can’t,” I continued. “I’ve had enough.”

He chuckled and my stomach dropped. His finger speared into me and I could have sworn I saw stars. My body clutched desperately at the initial thick digit and when he pushed a second one inside me, I keened with surprise. It burned in the most delicious way imaginable, a twisting sensation of pain and pleasure that only sought to heighten my already out of control arousal.

“You don’t get to decide that, omega. I’m going to make you come for me until you fully understand that your alpha is in control and you are not,” he warned.

“No! Please,” I pleaded.

His fingers fluttered inside me, roughly massaging a place within my pussy that left me gasping for air. Thranar had never touched me like this. He’d never put his fingers inside me.

Without being able to stop myself, my hips started to roll, and I began to ride his fingers. He thrust in and out of me, gently at first and then harder and harder until I was on the edge of orgasm once again. He slipped his fingers out and drew them along my folds, thoroughly coating them with my wetness. Then he pressed them back inside me, but one single finger ventured backwards until it settled on a place that no one had ever touched. Not even me.

With his other hand, he spread my bottom cheeks wide. I gasped in shock, feeling a rush of shame rush over me and hold me prisoner in its wake. Nothing could have prepared me for this. I could feel his eyes searching my body and gazing on my most private place. He held me open for an incredibly long time and with every passing second, I could feel my blush deepening until I was sure that my entire face was scarlet.

“This little bottom hole is quite pretty,” he observed.

A strangled sound of shock burst out of me and nothing I could have done would have prevented it. I was so incredibly embarrassed that I went completely silent.

“Has anyone ever looked at this tight little bottom like this before, omega?” he asked.

“No, Alpha,” I whimpered with fear.

“No one has ever used you here, am I correct, omega?” he questioned.

“No, Alpha,” I whispered, my nervousness almost too much to bear.

A quiet chuckle escaped his lips.

“I’m quite pleased to learn this naughty little hole has remained untouched, Luna. I want you to know that one day, I’m going to take you here with my cock,” he warned.


“Does that scare you, little omega?” he asked.

“Yes, Alpha,” I replied, biting my lip even as my nipples tightened to even firmer peaks.

“It may frighten you, Luna, but when I told you of my intentions for this pretty bottom, your pussy clenched down hard all around my fingers. You’re much wetter than before I gazed down at your virgin hole. It arouses you to know that one day, I’m going to fuck this tight little ass as hard as it needs to be fucked,” he said loudly.
