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I had no doubt that it would go until morning.

Chapter Eight


When Aric and I returned to my bedchambers, I took the lead this time. First, I took off my weapons from my belt and returned them to my armoire. Then I unlaced my top and threw it on the chair next to me. I slipped off my boots and shimmied my pants down my legs, laying them across the chair too. Lastly, I took off my panties and placed them aside too.

I was bare for him now and he didn’t say anything. At least not yet.

I undid his dark gray leather vest, then unbuttoned his shirt and slowly pushed both off his shoulders. His clothing fell to the floor in a quiet rush. He stayed completely still as I knelt down and unlaced his boots, taking them off one at a time and putting them to the side. I removed his thick socks next, before reaching up to undo both his belt and his pants. Carefully, I pulled them down his hips and removed them completely. Once he was fully undressed, I gathered his clothing and laid all of it aside in a neat pile.

I knelt back down and boldly took the head of his cock in my mouth. He groaned in appreciation, allowing my brazen act to continue. I surrounded him with my lips, working up and down his shaft as enthusiastically as I dared, and he hummed in pleasure.

“Do you remember what I told you, Freya?” he asked. For a moment, he was silent before he continued, “I told you that outside this bedroom, you may reign as an alpha of your own right, but here in this room, you are my little omega. I’m your alpha and now I am your king and I will do with you as I please tonight.”

I groaned around his cock. He fisted his hand against my scalp, causing me to whimper when he thrust hard into my mouth. I struggled to breathe as he pushed past the muscle in the back of my throat, and I whimpered as I drew in as much air through my nose as I could.

“Do you understand me, omega?” he asked.

I tried to push back against his thighs, but he didn’t let me get away.

“You will answer me with my cock in your mouth like a good little omega should,” he commanded, and I felt myself blush deeply. I knew the sound of his demand would be shameful, but at the same time, my core pulsed hard with need.

“Yes, alpha. I understand,” I finally forced myself to say. The sound was just as mortifying as I thought it would be. The growing wetness between my legs said something different though, giving away my desire even though I didn’t want to admit it.

“You’re going to suck my cock, little omega, and you’re going to do it with as much enthusiasm as I expect from you. If you’re a very good girl and suck me very well, I will only welt your bare little bottom with my belt. If you’re a naughty though, you will be fetching your hairbrush for a thorough paddling over my thighs until you’re sobbing. Either way, after your backside is as red as I want it to be, you’re going to be taking my cock nice and deep into that pretty little pussy until you’re screaming my name into the sheets. Is that clear?”

I shivered with unquenchable desire, still with his cock deep in my mouth. I knew he was waiting for me to answer him. And I did, all with a shameful blush heating up my cheeks and him still entirely in my mouth.

“Yes, alpha,” I breathed around his shaft, feeling my own arousal grow with every last syllable.

He purred and my core clenched down hard. A rush of my own wetness poured down my thighs and I whined desperately around his cock.

I didn’t wait for him to tell me to begin once more. I leaned forward and sucked him as vigorously as he wanted, not caring that his girth was making my jaw sore. I struggled to open the muscle at the back of my throat, gagging on his length again and again. Finally, he gripped my hair just a bit more firmly, causing pain to radiate across the back of my skull and I forced myself past it. I opened for him and then he thrust hard into my mouth. He took charge after that, fucking my throat hard enough that I knew it would be sore in the morning.

I swirled my tongue all around him, suckling him to the best of my ability despite his rough claiming of my mouth. The wet sounds emerging from me were utterly shameful, but I didn’t care. My alpha wanted this, and I was going to give it to him, even it if hurt or made me quiver with shame.

His thrusts were hard and swift, claiming my mouth as thoroughly as he wished. I moaned around his length, taking every inch he gave me and then some. Spittle dribbled down the side of my face, but it didn’t matter. I sucked him hard and when he purred as his cock throbbed against my tongue, I gave even more than I had before.

I could feel his length growing even harder and I stroked around the base of his cock with my finger. His knot fluttered and his thighs shook just the slightest bit. I prepared myself for the inevitable and then I was rewarded with spurt after spurt of his seed in my mouth. I swallowed as quickly as I could, taking everything that he gave me into my belly and enjoying the taste of him as it spread across my tongue. He reached down and gently tweaked my bared nipple, causing me to whimper softly around him. I wondered if he would be pleased with me. I hoped that he would


“Such a good little omega. Now you’re going to be shown how good little omegas get the belt,” he murmured, and my pussy tightened with anticipation. “I’m going to enjoy leaving my mark on that beautiful bottom. I think you’re going to enjoy it too.”

He withdrew himself from my mouth and I licked my lips, making sure that there wasn’t a drop of his seed left. He dragged his thumb across my sore lower lip, purring softly with satisfaction.

“You’ve got such a soft pretty mouth, omega. I’m going to use it often,” he murmured, and a hard shiver raced down my spine only to settle deep in my core. I knew that my thighs were soaked by now, that my body was preparing itself to be claimed as thoroughly as my alpha wanted.

“Did you know, little one, that I fucked your mouth hard enough that there’s tears dripping down your beautiful face?” he added next and my lips opened just wide enough for a soft cry to escape through them. He grinned wide, before grasping my upper arm and roughly pulling me to my feet.

“Now bend over the bed. I want to see that bare little bottom marked by my belt,” he said gruffly. He led me over to the end of it by my arm, his grip tight enough to warn me not to disobey but not enough to hurt in any way.

The bed was the perfect height to my hips, allowing me to straighten my legs and relax my torso on the soft blankets comfortably. I knew though, that soon my thoughts would only be focused on the burning ache in between my legs and the welts that would soon mark my naked backside.

His fingers trailed across my bare flesh. Bent over like this with him examining my exposed body made me feel so utterly desirable and aroused at the same time. I felt shame that he was looking at me this way, but also pride in myself that he wanted to see me like this. His digits dipped in between my legs, finding my wetness and revealing my need for him.

He circled my clit and cleared his throat.
