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“Maybe you will, maybe you won’t,” I sassed more openly this time, unable to keep myself from smiling just a little bit in return.

“I look forward to the moment when you walk back through that door, my pretty omega, because that will be the last time that you’re allowed the privilege of clothing for the night. I’m going to enjoy putting you on your knees so that I can punish that sassy little mouth with every last inch of my cock. And that, my queen, is only going to be the beginning,” he threatened.

A shiver raced down my spine.

“I’d like to see you try,” I said mischievously as I walked past him, and he chuckled.

“Do you doubt me, omega?” he returned. I turned back to face him, feeling more confident in the bond between us. Even though he’d made me submit to him as his omega, it dawned on me that he wasn’t here to control me, but to work with me. Nothing about his demeanor gave me the impression that he intended to take over my role as king of Valgertha, and that very realization made my pussy dampen with need.

He made no effort to follow me. He was letting me go.

He trusted that I would come back and I adored him for that.

“I think you can handle a little challenge,” I said lightly as I left the room, feeling my core quiver just the slightest bit with a glimmer of arousal. He laughed louder in clear amusement as I walked down the stairs away from him.

I tried not to think about what that might mean.

* * *

I raced through the halls of my castle, ensuring that my orders to serve the visiting king were carried out quickly and efficiently. I was pleased to find out that the kitchen had provided a lovely spread of our finest cheeses, meats, and fresh fruits for him and had already delivered several plates to King Thranar. In the few minutes I had to spare, I met with several of my closest advisors in order to find out if he’d brought his forces or if anything had changed along the bordering lands of Valgertha. To their knowledge, he’d only arrived with enough of a protective guard to keep himself safe. It wasn’t the type of army that he would bring to start a war.

They didn’t know why he’d come here, therefore it would be up to me to find out.

Before I walked into the room, I took a deep breath and pulled my shoulders back.

I was ready for this.

I walked into that room like I owned the place, because I did. This was my castle. My city. And no one was going to challenge that, especially not Thranar. I wasn’t afraid of him.

I was Queen Freya of Valgertha, and I was powerful in my own right.

“Queen Freya,” a gruff voice said as I strode inside. There was the slightest air of cocky arrogance in his tone that ruffled my feathers just a bit, but I ignored it. For now, at least.

“King Thranar,” I returned just as confidently. He was sitting at the long wooden table in the center of the room. He was leaning back in his chair, with his dirty boots up on the surface, just staring back at me as if he owned the place. I glanced down at his feet with a look of disgust and for a moment, it was obvious that he contemplated ignoring my silent displeasure, but he finally took them off the table and sat in his chair properly. He leaned forward and placed his elbows on the table, giving me a first good look at the man I’d considered my enemy for a very long time.

His hair was a dark dirty blond, shaved at the sides and braided into a long swinging series of knots at the back of his head. Black tattoos were etched into every inch of his body that I could see that wasn’t covered by his clothing. They weren’t elegant like many of the looping and swirling markings that Valgertha was known for and I found them strangely off-putting. Instead, they were vivid and harsh with hard edges and thick strokes. Not only that, but he was covered in scars that spoke of his prowess in battle, but that wasn’t what caught my attention the most. Icy blue unfeeling eyes stared back at me with unknown intent. In one breath it felt like he wanted to hurt me and in another, it felt like he was giving me the respect I deserved. I didn’t yet know which one it was. By the end of this meeting though, I was going to find out.

His leather armor was thick and well made, embroidered with the same heavy intricate designs that were tattooed onto his skin. He watched me study him with a careful gaze and I did the same to him. I grabbed two silver goblets and poured two healthy servings of some of the best wine we had in the castle. I passed one to him and kept one for myself, all while I took a seat across the table from him.

He took the cup from me and I had to suppress a violent shiver as his fingers touched mine. They were cold and I was suddenly overcome with a very strong sensation of danger, but I swallowed it as I sat back in my own chair. I looked at him, ensuring that I appraised him with a look that was just as cool and calculating as the one he was giving me.

A king versus a queen.

He grinned, enjoying the challenge I brought just by sitting before him as his equal. I didn’t back down in the slightest and I think he enjoyed that.

“It’s come to my attention that the two of us have never spent any time together, Freya, and I’d like to remedy that,” Thranar began. He lifted his goblet in salute, and I returned the motion.

“We haven’t, have we?” I replied with a smirk. I took a very small sip of wine. I made a show of it, thinking he might relax if he thought I was drinking more than I actually was. He took a large swig himself and hummed in delight at the well-aged vintage. He smacked his lips together in appreciation and I was quick to grin in return.

“It’s one of my very favorites,” I said. “Enjoy however much you like.”

“I’d like to enjoy a whole lot more,” he added, his tone entirely too suggestive for my liking. My skin prickled in annoyance at his bold assumption. Instead of lowering myself to his brazen words, I picked up the jug of wine and topped off his glass. He grunted his thanks.

“Why have you come to visit me, Thranar?”

“Can’t I just visit and get to know my neighbors?” he asked carefully. His eyes darkened considerably, and he smirked. The more time I spent with him, the more I was beginning to hate him.

“I guess you could if that’s what you really wanted to do,” I returned. Sitting there before him, I swirled the wine in my goblet. This was my first one on one meeting with any member of the ruling class and I wanted to make sure that I presented myself as someone to be feared and respected too.
