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I broke. Again and again and still my heat burned hot.

I came more times than I could count, and still he made me come some more. His cock speared into me and I begged for it.

I screamed for it. I begged him for his cum and he gave it to me.

He growled and my core tightened hard around him. I arched into his every thrust and he gave me all of him. My core cramped down hard and my entire body tightened around him and he growled once more, forcing a rush of slick to gush down my thighs as he thrust into me with the animalistic intensity that I craved.

He pressed his cock all the way inside me and the base of his shaft started to inflate, hooking behind my pelvic bone and securing himself inside me. It grew larger and wider, stretching my body painfully as he forced it deeper inside me. I screamed even as another orgasm raced through me, drowning in pleasure so strong that it tore me open from within and still his knot grew bigger and bigger inside me, forcing itself inside my body and bringing us together as one.

His cock throbbed hard inside me and then his seed spurted deep into my body, a searing hot culmination of our fucking and my heat simmered for a long moment before I came once more. I rode his cock to completion, finding my release at the very same time that he found his. He filled me with spurt after spurt of potent alpha cum and I took it all because I needed to.

At the same time, his mouth closed around my neck. I thought he was going to kiss me, but when his teeth pressed against my skin, I realized I was wrong. He bit into me and at that moment, a burst of incandescent light blinded me, and a flash of fire burned through my body. The tips of my toes curled, and my fingers tingled. I couldn’t keep myself from screaming as a foreign sensation raced through me.

I knew what this was. He’d forced a pair bond on me and now I would crave no other for the rest of my life. Alphas and omegas formed a mystical bond that linked them, allowing them to feel each other’s emotions and if it proved to be strong enough, sometimes their thoughts.

My neck stung, but it healed almost instantly, leaving a white scar that throbbed with the power of our union.

That ensuing orgasm was the strongest one I’d felt that night. Raw pleasure tore through me with brutal force, making me lose complete control and there was nothing I could do to get it back. I didn’t know when it would end, and I was only vaguely aware of the tears slipping down my cheeks and dripping off my chin. My body quivered and quaked as I sobbed through the worst of my heat and the establishment of the pair bond.

Arms curled around me and pulled me close. He held me tight, purring and trying to calm the racing beat of my heart.

I drew in as much air as I could manage. Only when my orgasm finally began to fade, did I realize his had too. His knot remined inside me and I knew that it would remain there for some time, ensuring that both my slick and his seed would be locked inside me for as long as it needed. He pulled me in close to his chest, winding his arms around me and ensuring that I knew that I was safe in his arms.

“That’s a good omega. You did so well,” he murmured, and his words brought me comfort. I whimpered softly and he petted his fingers along my scalp, soothing me with his touch as the last remaining remnants of my pleasure faded away.

I was still so warm. I still felt needy. I wanted more and I soon came to the terrifying realization that my heat had yet to be sated.

I feared that I would need him again. And again.

I would find out that I was right.

Chapter Four


The awakening of my omega lasted for days. Every minute, every hour, I could feel my alpha fading away bit by bit, as if she had fractured altogether and I was afraid she might never return.

Aric and I stayed inside my chambers the entire time. I couldn’t have left if I had even tried. My body needed an alpha, and right now, he was giving me what I needed. I demanded his cock again and again, trying to force my heat away and only the advent of time seemed to dull its fiery edges. Occasionally he would make me drink water and eat something, which irritated me because the only thing I wanted was his alpha seed burning hot inside me. My nest became a sticky place that was covered with the evidence of our coupling. It smelled of sex, my own arousal and his cum, which only made me want more of it every time the scent met my nose. I yearned to fix it every time it got a little mussed and occasionally, he would let me, but for only as long as he would allow it.

I ended up over his knee with a spanked bottom more times than I could count. I felt the lash of his belt almost as often, every last one meant to remind me of my place as the omega and that he was my alpha.

I lost myself in the throes of estrous. I no longer cared that anyone could hear me scream or beg or if I was punished with a servant just downstairs or even with them in the bedroom with us. It didn’t bother me to know that others heard me getting a spanking more often than not and I didn’t care that I hadn’t worn clothes in days and that my bottom constantly bore the marks of his belt. They’d seen the evidence of my slick and his cum drying on my legs, so they knew what was happening. I had no doubt all of Valgertha knew that their queen was getting used hard by an alpha for the very first time and that knowledge made me blush, but there was nothing I could do about it.

Aric was just as demanding as I was. There were times that I wanted to rest, but he didn’t allow me that. Instead he would force several orgasms from me as he bounced me on his thick cock, making me take his knot even though I was occasionally reluctant. Before he was through with me though, I always begged him for it. Every. Single. Time.

I was a needy little omega in the throes of heat, and I would take him whether I wanted it or not.

Sometimes he would make me suck his cock, making me wait and forcing me to suffer through my insatiable need while he showed me again and again that it was his decision to give me what I needed. Sometimes, he would force me onto my knees and fuck me so hard that I saw stars. Even through all of that, he gave me his knot at least once a day, oftentimes more than once, until I was left an exhausted, wet mess of satisfied omega.

By the time my heat finally abated, the two of us were so exhausted that we slept for more than a day straight. My servants brought us food and basins of water at regular times, but we hardly moved out of bed as we tried to recover from what we’d suffered through together.

My body was so sore. The two of us were so spent and I curled up into the safety of his arms. I didn’t want to move any more than he did, and he allowed me that for a little while longer.

“You need to eat a full meal, my little omega,” he murmured. “You haven’t had a real one in days.”

I groaned in protest, hiding my face in his chest and shaking my head.

“Don’t make me,” I whined quietly, hiding my smile.
