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“This is finally happening,” he snarls in a tone that should scare me, but all it does is act as kerosene to our already uncontrollable fire of lust.

“It is,” I agree without question.

“Now,” he says.

“Okay,” I agree on a sigh and sway toward his hard body.

With the encouragement he needs, his hands finally leave my body. He turns me, wraps one thick arm around my shoulder, and turns to walk toward the front of the house.

“We’re leaving?” I question lamely.

“Darlin’ I didn’t stutter. This is happening,” he says, pausing when he reaches the side of the house and the shadows that will give us the privacy we need. His body turns, moving me to stand before him once again. “I need to know you’re with me, Megan. I’ve wanted this since the day I met you, but I knew you weren’t ready for me. I’ve been trying to keep my distance, just waiting for those clouds to leave your eyes. If you don’t want me to take you back to my house, strip you naked and fuck you until you can’t walk for weeks, then say so now, because the second I have you I won’t be letting go. ”

“Oh, boy,” I whisper.

“I prefer oh God, but I’ll make that the first item on my to-do list. ”

“You’ll make what?”

“My to-do list, Megs. The list of things I’ve wanted to do to you for months now. Making you scream oh God will be number one, followed by my name, of course. ”

“Oh, God,” I repeat, my mind swilling with the promise his words inflict.

“Yeah, you’re getting it. ”

His mouth crashes down on mine for a hard but quick kiss before pulling back and giving me another one of those knee-melting smirks. “Last chance, Megan,” he whispers while his hands are framing my heated face.

Whatever he sees in my eyes is enough, he gives me a light kiss, takes his hands from my face and curls one around my left hand and pulls me toward his truck.


I thrust in again, feeling her tight walls squeeze my cock, and roll my hips while I take her mouth with my own. Her moan turns into a high-pitched scream that I swallow. I can feel her release wet my balls when I bury myself deep, again rolling my hips. Her small hands grab hold of my ass and I groan when I feel her nails bite into my skin.

“Next time you come against my cock, you scream my name,” I demand, looking her in the eyes. Her eyes widen briefly before they roll back when I thrust deep again. I don’t give her time to respond before I power my hips back and take her in a bruising speed. “My name, Megs,” I rasp. “Don’t you come without screaming my name. ”

She whines.

I groan.

She gives me a small whisper of breath against my lips when I lean closer to her, moving my hips faster.

“Do you want it harder, darlin’?” I question.

“Yes,” she whimpers.

“Do you want me deeper?” I continue, pausing when the tip of my cock is about to fall from her body, smiling wickedly when she makes a cry of protest. “Do you want to feel my cock even when you aren’t with me? Want me to take everything you have to give me? So greedy. So fucking greedy. ” Without giving her a chance to answer, I bend forward and crush my lips to hers. She opens immediately and our tongues meet, causing a fire to race down my spine and curl around my balls.

Damn she feels good.

“Tell me, Megs. Give me the words. ”

“Take me, Liam. Give me everything. Make me feel. God, please make me feel!”

Her eyes bore into my own. With one gaze she is telling me everything her words don’t. This means more to her too, I can see it, and fuck me—my body locks tight when I see the depth of her plea.

“Yeah, darlin’. Everything. ”

She doesn’t know it, but with that one word I silently vow to stop at nothing until I make this woman mine.

With one powerful thrust, roll, and push, I give her everything I have—over and over. When she throws her head back, it’s my name she’s screaming loud enough to cause my ears to ring long after her breath grows slow and her face relaxes with sleep.

I lay there looking at her after my cock softens and falls from her body. I remember the first time I saw her, I knew that she would one day be in this position. Naked in my bed and spent from taking my cock for hours. Over the months since that first meeting, the feeling, the craving, to make her mine had only grown. I’ve tried, tried to reach her, but it was clear she wasn’t ready. So I waited and fuck me was it worth the wait. Now, having confirmed what I knew then, I know I won’t let her go without a fight.

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And it will be a fight. That I’m sure of.

But it’s also one that I know I’m ready to take on. I know what I want. I know who I want.

I also know in order to have those things, I will be fighting the hardest fight I’ve ever fought.

Because not only am I fighting for someone that can’t see through the shadows to find the rope I’m holding to pull herself off rock bottom, but I’m also fighting the ghosts of her past that I’m not sure will let her go long enough to make that climb.

After rolling away from her warm body, I walk to the bathroom and clean myself off, not wasting any time before I move back to my bed. Quietly I lie back down and pull her into my arms. Even in her sleep she curls into me, her head hitting my shoulder, arm curling around my stomach and her legs tangling with my own. I reach down and hike her thigh over my hips and smile to myself while fighting another erection when her wetness hits my hip.

Sitting there, looking into the darkness I know I’ve finally found her. I’ve been searching for her for as long as I can remember. That person that would make my heart beat faster.

When you grow up with parents like mine, you know without a shadow of a doubt that a love worth fighting for is a love worth keeping. The fight—that drive—the desire to have the person you love, love you back just as fiercely? That’s all it’s about. They showed me that when you want something, you don’t stop until it’s yours.

I think I was about eight when I first realized the relationship my parents shared was something . . . different. I was about sixteen when I realized that different was something I wanted. They had some sort of magical power to their love. Nothing that you would ever be able to describe, but when you saw them together there was no denying it. They would look at each other and it

was as if there was some invisible cord that connected them completely. Mom would give Dad a smile and he would laugh softly under his breath, always causing her face to redden. He would walk into the room and her whole body would jolt like it had been struck by lightning. Her skin would pebble with goosebumps and she would always snap her eyes to wherever he was. Of course it took me years to understand what that look meant.

They felt each other.

They knew each other past a feeling that could be physically felt.

They had a love that went past anything explainable.

And just like I knew when I first met Megan, she was the person that I would have that with. I knew when I was younger when my person stepped into my path, there would be nothing that could stop me from making her mine. I wanted what my parents had and now there isn’t a damn thing that will stop me from getting that.

Megan isn’t going to know what hit her.

With that final thought, my lips tip up and I let my body drift off to sleep, while I hold my future in my arms.

Two Months Later

“TELL ME ABOUT YOUR HUSBAND,” Dani asks softly.

I look over to where she’s sitting in my living room, reclined back against the love seat, her legs propped up in the seat next to her, and her baby boy, Owen, sleeping against her chest.

I don’t answer right away; instead I watch her hand rubbing his small back. The diamonds in her wedding ring glittering against the sun that shines through the window.


She wants to know about Jack.

It shouldn’t be this hard to talk about him, but even after almost three years it still feels like yesterday sometimes.

“He was my best friend,” I tell her honestly.

“Like Cohen and me?”

“Nothing like you two,” I laugh humorlessly. “God, Dani, it feels almost like a betrayal to his memory to even admit that out loud. What you and Cohen have . . . that’s a love story for the record books. Jack and me . . . well, we kind of fell into love in the most unconventional ways. No, that’s not right. We fell in love with each other all because of Molly. ”

“What do you mean?” she says, her voice just over a whisper.

I sigh, “We grew up together, Jack and I. It sounds so much more glamorous when I say it that way, like we were kids that would run on perfectly paved sidewalks and in each other’s backyards until we were called for dinner. But that couldn’t be further from the truth. We lived in the backwoods, wrong side of the tracks, trailer park from hell, in a small town in nowhere Georgia with one blinking caution light and the only store for miles was a mom and pop grocery store that, most of the time, only had expired goods for sale. It was hell on earth, really. But Jack, God Jack, he was always seeing the brighter side of life. He had these huge dreams. He was going to get a scholarship to the best football playing college, play for a few years until he was drafted—early of course, or so he would say. He wanted to play with the big boys, Dani, and he could have. He really could have. He was that good. ”
