Page 30 of Wildfire

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Chapter Twelve



“So, are you going totell me what this is all about?” Del asks leaning against the truck with a beer in one hand and a french fry in the other. She nods to the nasty words I scrub off with boiling hot soapy water.

“Honestly, I have no clue. I’m thinking someone in town is pissed I came home. Does Xan have any crazy ex-girlfriends?”

I have a sinking feeling that I know what this is about but maybe fate will hand me a miracle and make it an angry ex.

Del laughs and takes a swig of her beer.

“What does that mean?” I pause, throwing my rag in the bucket and wiping my forehead with my arm.

“You’re Xan’s only crazy ex-girlfriend.” She snaps my jaw shut with her perfectly manicured fingernail. “It’s true. Not a single one since you.”

“That can’t be right,” I say blushing at the memories of a young man with a very active sex drive. Xan was a physical being. I only had to look at him a certain way and he was ready to go. There’s no way he didn’t date.

“Oh, I’m sure he hooks up. Sometimes he’s takes off to Morleau for the whole weekend and I bet there’s booze and women involved.”

I wave my hands to make her stop and surprisingly jealousy filled me from top to toe. I know it’s true because that waitress in Morleau treated Xan like a dog.

“What about you?” Del sets down her drink and finally starts helping me clear more of the greasy smudged lipstick from the glass. “Any crazy ex’s?”

“Nope. I’m sort of in the same boat. A few dates and hook ups scattered in there, but I’ve never been in any other relationship.” It’s a complete lie. Well, not complete, I guess. He’s not an ex per say. But I did see a guy once and after I ended it, I’m pretty sure he didn’t stop seeing me.

Del rolls her eyes so hard the irises almost completely disappeared. She makes a loud gagging noise that kicks in my defensiveness.

“You two are the most pathetic,” she stretches out the word pathetic. “God we could plop you guys in the middle of a Sparks movie and the plot wouldn’t even miss a beat.”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about. But I have a strong feeling that I should be offended.”

We clean in silence for a few moments. “So, he goes to Morleau often?”

“Nope. Not happening, Briggs. I’m not talking about my brother’s sex life. Don’t know. Don’t care. I will pluck out my own ear drums to avoid hearing about it.” Del pinches her lips shut and I laugh, my cheeks warm from embarrassment.

“Fine. Topic deleted.”

“Thank you. But to answer that one question, no he very rarely leaves town. He does a lot with Tabby helping her stay in school, keeping Jet’s business afloat with big jobs that require multiple people. He bails Zeke out of whatever fresh trouble he’s landed himself in every other week. Then his job keeps him basically MIA for the entire summer. Or at least if he can swallow his pride and take his damn health assessment.” Del’s voice carries frustration and she scrubs a little harder at the windshield.

“Okay, back it up. What health assessment?”

Del’s eyes widen and her hand hovered above the glass. I shade my eyes to see her better in the sun.

“Um, you’ll have to ask him about it. Not my story to tell. All I can say is he is on leave from his job and he’s being a stubborn ass about it.”

“That sounds like him.” I smirk and polish the last of the glass, the windshield finally free of the hateful words. I would be upset but some of the things the trolls leave for me on social media make this sound polite in comparison.

I toss the rag in the bucket again and admire our work. Well, mostly my work.

“Thanks for helping with this. I really didn’t want Millie to see.”

“What?” Del fakes surprise. “You don’t want your ten-year-old knowing that grown-ass women are just as petty and cruel as the children?”

She places her hand on her chest like she couldn’t believe me, and I shrugged exaggerated shoulders and waving arms.

“I know, right? And Millie is nine. She turns ten in three weeks.”
