Page 24 of The Man Next Door

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I try making her read between the lines and understand we will never work. I can’t give her the things she needs and deserves. Relationships aren’t for me right now. I don’t have the time or energy to put into it, and I have to keep my eye on the prize. Growing my company in the next five years has to be my priority, and anything that gets in the way of that has to go. Why can’t she just leave me be and find someone else? Any man would be lucky to have her. Yet, she’s still here, causing chaos.

Instead of walking away, she comes closer, putting her lips on mine. What the actual fuck? At first, I push her away, but then she firmly grasps my tie and pulls me back.

“Stop trying to push me away. I’m not fucking going anywhere, Hudson.”

All of my pent-up sexual tension spills out, and my hands are curled up in her hair, and then moving down to cup her ass.

Laurel’s breasts are touching my chest, and I’m pressing against her abdomen. In the back of my mind, I know there is a client outside waiting for me, but I didn’t give a rat’s ass. Her curves fit like a glove with my body. Her kiss occupies me, envisioning what she can do with that talented tongue of hers. Oh, the things she could do to me.

I shift my hand from holding her back to cup both her breasts, which are the optimal size to fit in my hands. She moans into my mouth while I pinch and nibble through her dress. I can’t possibly grow harder. Are we really doing this? Here? Now?

“Moan for me,” I whisper to her. I can tell by her breathing that she is already close.

“Can you come like this?” Her nails dig into my shoulders as she lets go, and her head tilts back. “There you go, baby. Let go.”

I muffle her moans with my hand so the entire office doesn’t hear. Only me. It sends me into overdrive, and I want to feel her pulsating walls around me, but I know we have been in here long enough. As her climax comes to an end, her eyes search mine.

Laurel pulls up her dress, fixes it, and right before she opens my door, she turns around to look at me. “I’ll take care of Lyla for you.”

For the remainder of my day at the office, I focus on work. Not to mention the fact the crazy girl calls me and yells at me for nearly thirty minutes. Why can’t she understand I’m not interested? Her husband is one of the prestigious clients. I can’t afford to jeopardize that.

The person I have been blaming since the start is Laurel, when she has done nothing but open my eyes to the things I deserve and want. Why have I been such an ass to her? We crossed a line today in my office, and we can’t go back. Hell, I don’t know if I want to.

The file Chris gave to me hasn’t been touched. Too much guilt comes from thinking about even asking him to get the information.

I leave the office an hour early because of a huge migraine and go to my mother’s house. It’s not normal for me to show up unexpectedly, but this day has been a mind fuck.

We are by no means the ideal family, but no matter what happens, we are still close. My sisters are going to meet me there. The one thing I enjoyed about them was that they wouldn’t ask questions if I text them and tell them I need them. They are just happy that I’m reaching out. We have had many conversations about my pulling away from the family since being back. It’s not something I intend to do; it just happens.

“Hud!” Tina calls out.

“Hey, sis,” I respond with a smile, and notice a tear coming out of her eye.

“Good to see you,” Kassie says, while pecking me on the cheek.

My mom is sitting at the table in stunned silence because I never stop by on the spur of the moment. I didn’t give her time to get upset; I snatch her into a bear hug and stroke the top of her head. “Hey, Mama.”

Tears flow from her eyes. “My little man.”

I want to show Laurel I’m not regretting our moment. So, I jerk out my phone and send her a quick text.

Me: Dinner at my mom’s. You’re invited. In an hour.

I hope she will come because I need to talk to her about today. We need to decide what we are going to do. I know I’ve been so against putting myself out there, but Laurel isn’t one to budge. She has made it clear that she wants me, and now I have to stop denying the effect she has on me.

Laurel: I’ll bring cheesecake for dessert. See you soon.

A smile takes over my face, and they see. I didn’t know if she has plans tonight, but dropping everything to have dinner with my family is sweet.

“You just gonna stand there or help with dinner?” Kassie snaps sarcastically.

“How’s the new job going?” I ask, while chopping the meat into thin slices. It takes me a minute to realize they are all staring at me.

“I got let go a couple of months ago. Still looking.”

I don’t push for details. How did I not know about this? Am I that distant from my sisters?
