Page 146 of Small Town Love

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It doesn’t take long for sleep to pull me under. The last thing that I remember is Wild nuzzling his face into my hair, his body pressed up tight against mine, spooning me.



I head down the hall of the Pussy Parlor, an easy smile on my lips as I shift the bag of Chinese takeout and the leather cut that I had made for Bristle. I’ve been dying to give it to her and to see her wearing it.

I open the office door, a smile on my face that quickly falls when I see Bristle flinch.

“What’s wrong?” I ask, dropping the food and vest on the chair across the desk so that I can pull her into my arms.

Her body is tense and she seems on edge. I’m never been very great at comforting women and I’m starting to regret the lack of experience now.

I run my hand up and down her back, trying to get her to relax.

“What’s wrong?” I ask again when she still doesn’t answer me.

“I just… can’t shake this feeling,” she admits quietly.

“What kind of feeling?” I ask, tilting her chin up with my fingers.

“Like I’m being watched.”

The hairs on the back of my neck go up and I want to break someone’s face. Specifically whoever has been stalking my girl.

“Do you know who it is? Who could be watching you?” I ask, already knowing that I’m going to be talking to Pres tonight to talk about security for my girl.

“Maybe,” Bristle whispers and my fingers tighten around her waist.

“Tell me who.”

“My mom and her boyfriend. When I left home, it wasn’t under the best circumstances. I was the one paying the bills, and I know that my mom is upset that her meal ticket disappeared and she has to take care of herself now.”

“And the boyfriend?” I ask through gritted teeth.


When she doesn’t finish that sentence, I see red.

“Did he touch you?” I growl, wanting to rip the guy limb from limb.

“No, well, I mean he tried to, and he was always brushing up against me around the house and stuff.”

That does it. The guy has signed his death warrant. If he’s in town, me and the MC will track him down and take care of him.

“Have you seen them in town?” I ask, needing every detail so that I can keep my girl safe.

“No, it’s just a feeling like I’m being watched.”

I nod.

“Well you’ll be moving in with me until we can get this sorted out.”

She opens her mouth to argue with me and I cut her off.

“I’ve seen your motel room. It’s trash. And that piece of plywood that is masquerading as a door isn’t going to keep any real threat out.”

She still looks like she wants to argue with me, but I know that I’ve convinced her.
