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“I’m fine,” I reply before Bion can respond but Tor raises a brow while still looking at Bion.

“A couple of bruised ribs, some injuries from testing I’m guessing,” Bion looks at me after saying that I nod my head to confirm his conjecture. Tor finally looks at me, his eyes traveling over my body.

“When you are feeling better, I want to know everything that happened.” He says, then his features relax, and he nods, “I’m glad we found you.” With those words he turns and starts to make his way out of the room.

“Well, that’s my leave, I’ll come and see you later.” Bion says as he also stands.

“Thanks brother,” I call as he walks out.

“Well, if you need anything just holler and someone will hear you.” Garth quips with a wink as he starts to leave. Zane already at the door without saying anything.

“Zane” I call

“Yeah,” he replies stopping and turning to look at me.

“Who is the woman that helped you?” he raises a brow and takes a step closer.

“Why?” I shrug at his question before answering.

“You and she did help find me; I would like to thank her.” I say nonchalantly trying not to raise his suspicions.

“I will let her know.” He grunts starting to turn again.

“How did you do it?” I ask trying to get as much information from him as possible. He frowns as he takes a step closer to me.

“I don’t want your thanks; I did what I needed to do.” He states in an angry tone which has me lifting my hands in surrender.

“Zane come on; I’m not fighting here.” I say trying to appease his anger so he can talk, Zane has always been confrontational, but I understand how difficult it has been for him to stand up to Draco’s Image. I know that being related to Draco has always been a big problem for Zane as everyone kept comparing them.

Zane takes another step towards me, a pensive look on his face. He is quiet for a minute before he takes in a deep breath and slowly releases it. “Sorry bro, as you can understand I’m not at my most comfortable here.”

“I know,” I close my eyes for a few seconds before slowly opening them.

“We followed your energy, if Violet can pick up a strand of energy, she can find them. What I then do is follow her energy in the air.” He explains as he crosses his arms to look at me. “I did it because it was you, we always got on.” I know that there are others in the MC that have a problem with Zane, but I always saw his rebellious attitude as a call of pain.

“I know that it couldn’t have been easy for you to come back,” I touch my fist to my chest in thanks. Zane nods as he starts to once again turn to leave, I know that when he leaves, he won’t be coming back, and I can’t let that happen as I need to see Violet. I don’t know what is driving me, but something about her has called to my deepest self and until I see her, I won’t give up as I need to know what it is about her that has me so enthralled.

“Zane, I want to see Violet.” He doesn’t stop just raises his hand in farewell. I want to argue, I want him to bring Violet to me now, but I know that once I wake up and am healed, I will be able to see her. Closing my eyes, I finally let myself rest.
