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This isn’t possible, what is going on? One minute fury is starting to engulf every fibre of me, and then I feel the warmth surround me. It is a subtle energy that would be unnoticed if not for my perception of every change within me. As an elemental we are constantly fighting with our inner darkness to supress the evilness that we can unleash on the world, but when we are captured and tortured it breaks down our resistance.

Is this another of their games, have they found a way of penetrating our energy fields? A feeling of caring and possessiveness explodes within me. My senses are on high alert, it feels like every atom in my body is coming alive, as if I am being reborn. The pain in my body is diminishing as the warmth that surrounds me becomes stronger. What could possibly bring me back from the brink, from my destruction?

Only one thing is strong enough to do that when an Elemental is changing, but I don’t have a mate, I don’t even have any hope of finding my mate. I have always travelled this world with hope that one day I might find completeness, might find that one person that talks to everything that is me. That I would be able to find my mate, my other half. As centuries passed, I started to lose all hope.

Looking around slowly as not to make it obvious to anyone that might be watching, I try to find the source of these feelings. The cell they have me in is small, the walls and floor are thick stone, there is a strong earth smell which tells me that I am underground. My hands are tied behind my back preventing me from bending my element to help me out of this prediction.

I am still confused on how they were able to capture me, one minute I was scouting the woods, the next I feel something sharp at the back of my neck. There was no noise, presence or energy to warn me of imminent danger. Tor must be swearing at me, he will have my hide when I finally manage to get back to the club. Tor saved my life when he brought me to the club, he showed me a different way of living. Even though he is a mad motherfucker, I respect him and trust him with my life. I know that he will be doing everything to find me, I know that the other elemental’s will be turning every stone trying to find a clue that will lead them to me.

We aren’t always close with each other, as we all have demons that we fight within ourselves. But we stand together no matter what, we trust each other and will die for our brothers. Tor holds us together, he is a ticking bomb, but he will fight until his last breath for any of his men. For most of my first years I lived in anger, not understanding why we had such a burden set on our shoulders, why we had to fight within ourselves everyday just to keep sane. I was irresponsible and wild when Tor found me, I was pushing every boundary, doing everything that would make me feel alive.

The first time I saw Tor I was about to fight a faceless man, a man that had no hope of winning, but I had hope that he would hurt me enough to give me a semblance of peace. Instead of the human entering the cage where we were to fight, Tor stepped in.

“You are looking for pain, I’ll give you the pain you are looking for.” Those were the only words he spoke to me before he approached, for the first time I felt real, felt alive. He beat me to a pulp until I was unconscious, but when I woke up he was there standing with his back to me, looking out of a window. It was that day that he proposed that I join the Elementals MC, join others that were fighting similar demons to mine.

Throughout the centuries the other men and I have become a real family, we are as one. We might not see eye to eye all the time but that’s because we are all so strong willed and broken from life. Sometimes it feels like the constant darkness within us will consume our minds, our souls, but we always help each other through these times and come out on the other side stronger.

I was ready to give in to that same darkness until this feeling of tenderness, a feeling that I have never felt before comforts me and holds the rage back. ‘I won’t leave you’ are those words figment of my imagination or are they real? The pain in my body has been forgotten as I concentrate on what is happening to me. I have calmed, the rage is still there but it is controlled, I am more focused. Every fibre in my body is alive.

Instead of feeling weaker because of the torture they have submitted me to every couple of hours, I am suddenly feeling stronger, feeling like I can do anything. Is my mate perhaps close and I am feeling her presence? Is she one of the ones that have captured me?

The thought has my anger rising when I think that they might be manipulating her to get to me. Or if they have found a way of manipulating our minds to make us think that we are feeling things that we aren’t. Taking in a deep breath I wince when I feel the pain shoot across my chest. I don’t know how many days it has been since I was captured, but I know that I won’t survive much longer if they continue with the experiments as they have been doing.

They have taken more blood than I thought I had; I’m surprised I am still awake. I know that they are trying to enhance those fucking Elemental wannabes, but no matter how much blood they take they will never be able to recreate our powers. Bending the elements is trusted only to Elementals, and no matter how much these humans try to recreate that power, it will never be like ours. I try to turn on my side only to wince in pain again, my body feels like it’s on fire.

Sighing I lean my head back taking in a couple of deep breaths to try ease the pain. I feel that warm feeling of comfort engulfs me again. My eyes shoot open, ‘where are you?’ there is no response to my mental question, but the feeling of being hugged, of being protected stays with me. My mind is starting to lose consciousness from tiredness, but I fight it, I don’t want to lose this feeling of completeness, a feeling that I have never had in my life before.

I fight the drowsiness, the pain, the heaviness pressing down, but finally it wins and I feel myself slipping into a void of darkness, a void of stillness.


I slowly start to regain consciousness; a whining noise is close making me cringe at the loud sound. That feeling of calmness is still present, still feels like its surrounding me with its protective energy. “Ahh, you’re awake!” I tense hearing that voice.

I don’t know who this fucker is, but he’s one sick motherfucker. I can feel his enjoyment every time he tortures me. He calls it tests; I call it torture because these aren’t simple tests. I know that they want to replicate the powers that the Elementals have, even though I doubt they will ever be able to replicate our essence, I will end my life before I let them force me to show them anything.

So far, they have only been able to extract samples of my skin, blood and hair, they have also been measuring my pain threshold. I know that soon they will try to force me to bend my element, but there is nothing in this world that will make me put any of the other Elementals at risk.

I know that given enough time my brothers will find me, I just hope I have that time. I’m not the easiest motherfucker to live with, I can be moody and downright mean, but I know that all my brothers will give their life for me, like I would for them. I feel that warmth again surrounding me, that feeling of peace, of completeness fills me. What the fuck is it?

I focus on the warmth, trying to follow any kind of trail I can. I take in a deep breath but there is no other scent but the one of damp rock and soil, and a trace of antiseptic. Sighing, I give up on scenting anything different at this stage and instead I focus and broaden my energy to try and find anyone’s energy nearby. If its human, it is barely perceptible and so dense that its immediately recognisable. I don’t sense a pure, strong energy nearby, which means that what I am feeling is either man made to mess with my head or it’s coming from outside.

Is it possible that the women from the Natura Valley Chapter are working together to find me, and that is what I am feeling? I frown when that feeling becomes stronger and I feel every fibre in my being reacting to it. No! It’s not possible.

Turning my head slowly I open my eyes, if it was my mate, I would have had to somehow touch her to be feeling any kind of reaction. Even if I had been unconscious, I would have known that my mate had been close when I came back to consciousness. This happened here, and I was conscious and awake. It must be something that the humans have fabricated to mess with our senses, and they are trying it out with me. I need to be strong; I can’t show any type of reaction to them.

Taking in another deep breath I grunt in pain as the air hurts my ribs, I can feel my body mending, but they are torturing me long before my body can fully mend.

I see movement from the corner of my eye, the fucker that spoke is standing near the door, his beady eyes intent on every move I make, every breath I take. “This doesn’t have to be painful, if you cooperate with us, it will be much easier.” He takes a step closer, but I see a slight hesitation which tells me that he is reluctant to be too close.

“Fuck off” I grunt.

“If you continue to fight us, I won’t be responsible for what happens to you!” the asshole raises his eyebrows as he takes another step closer. I know his tactic, he is trying to make friends, trying to get me to let my guard down around him, but that is never going to happen.

“What do you want from me?” I know what they want, but what I want to know is how they expect to replicate our powers.

“You know what I want!” he states with a lopsided grin.

“How do you expect to get it?” I ask and then grunt as I feel the pain in my ribs shooting through my midriff.

“Show us what you can do, and you will see.” He says.

“Suck my dick” I snap closing my eyes and turning my head away again. There is no fucking way that I am showing them shit.

“If we don’t get what we want the easy way, then we will have to get it the hard way, trust me, you won’t like it if we have to do it like that.” He states

He continues standing over me for a couple of minutes expecting a reaction, when he realizes that it’s not going to happen, I hear his irritated expel of breath as he turns and walks out closing the door behind himself. I sigh as I am once again left in peace and then tense when I realize that the feeling of peace of absolute oneness that I was feeling before has gone, leaving me feeling bereft, but then I sense a change in the air around me and know that I have been found.
